Set up

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Chapter 1: So... How do I do this?

It's been two days since I had to have my early debut as 'The Angel of Destruction: Azrael' and there was a lot of commotion about me. A lot of people liked me especially since it was mentioned how I nearly knocked myself out healing people. Though there were still some critics who were suspicious of me those were mostly Christians who called me a 'fake' or 'heathen'.

A good miracle of or two should shut them up, methinks.*snicker*

But that's enough about them let's talk about me!

Honestly, I didn't do much but train. Which in of itself was easy due to my Saiyan Physiology, which allows me to come back stronger from any ass kicking I got but due to my mutations (X-gene, Meta-gene and Conduit-gene) all of the abilities I got from my Saiyan blood and other hybrid abilities got boosted or had added features.

For one, manipulating energy is very easy. I'm able to make energy constructs and control them perfectly. I managed to remake all the Kido spells in Bleach with my magic as well as spirit energy. Which speaking of, my spirit energy had fused with my Aura(from RWBY) when I had awoken them in my training. My chakra and Magic also fused though unlike when my Aura and spirit energy fused it wasn't painless as my chakra was a physical part of my body within my chakra network. It caused my body to be continuously ripped apart for 2 hours before my body calmed down. If it wasn't for my High-speed regen I would be dead.

My Chakra fusing with my magic had the unforeseen side effect of activating all my bloodlines all at once. Thankfully since I had great control I didn't cause an incident though I did have to regrow my backyard(Thank you wood release!). After that, I practiced using elements from particle style to even Kaguya's techniques though I don't seem to have my own pocket dimensions like she had so I set out to create my own I haven't fully managed it yet though I'm close. I can taste it. Almost like chocolate.

After that, I went through a sort of 'metamorphosis' so to speak. My eyes have changed permanently from what they were before. The sclera is now black while my pupil now looks like a kind of spiky silver flower with intersecting rings that kind of made it look like the atom symbol. I couldn't change my eyes back no matter what I did so I just looked at the benefits which were surprisingly good. I now have 360-degree vision, I could see people's life force/magic, I can see all of molecule/atoms basically how everything is formed and works, I can 'see' people's actions before they do it and I also had X-ray vision which allows me to see EVERYTHING!

There are probably more abilities to my eyes but I don't know how to use them yet.

Another change was my hair colour which changed to silver and my wings which seemed to be permanently black with silver tips now and seemed to have become more draconic. The technical 'spine' of my wings were dragon-like leaving the membrane covered in feathers. They were tall as me when folded and stretched out 10 feet from the tip to back.

This didn't stop me from training though. I used a spell to disable my Kryptonian powers so I could train. With the ability to do that and make any magic spell I imagined I made a kind of 'gravity' area with 100 times earth's gravity(anything lower was too easy) so I could work out, improving my bodily abilities such as flexibility, hand to eye coordination, strength and speed. I also managed to learn various fighting styles though I haven't mastered them or used them much as I only memorized the positions/movements to muscle memory (gotta love Saiyan blood! Oooh that rhymed!).

After all that I just re-made the Shadow Clone Jutsu and sent out some clones to memorize every relevant subject they could find even if they had to sneak into priso-schools, I mean schools and the like. I needed information about the world plus some tech smarts so I can use my Technomancy.

The Warrior: Azraelحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن