Chapter 2: You know...This ain't so bad!

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The reveal was going nicely. Questions were asked and I answered them honestly which...

I was still fucking doing...

Well, it turned out the Avengers were here though they were in the civilian guise and me being the glorious guy I am let them be.

"Excuse me, Mr. Bennett! You said you would give humanity the tools to stand against alien threats! Does that mean you won't manufacture weapons to just the United States!?"

"Yes. I will not leave out any country. I want the next time an invasion happens that we won't have to completely rely on the Avengers for protection. I'm thankful for their help sure but what if they die? Or are captured? We all need to be prepared so that we can survive and thrive." I said in a professional tone.

"Mr. Bennett is it true that you're an immigrant? If so which country do you hail from?"

"I don't know how you found that out but yes I am. I come from Jamaica to the US to live with my father who died three weeks ago. I have no other living relatives."

"Mr. Bennett, what are your thoughts on the Avengers as well as Mutants?"

"The Avengers are alright people. I don't condone how they bow down to public opinion too much though. Hmm well, this may make people angry but I see mutants as a godsend to the human race. Their abilities are what humanity needs when technology will eventually fail and it will fail nothing except God is perfect after all and even then perfection is a subjective topic." I said noticing the sour looks some reporters gained.

Before another question could be asked I continued.

"I have tested various blood samples and found that technically every human being has some form of an evolutionary gene that would either give them abilities or allow certain materials that when in contact with the person would give them powers, therefore, meaning technically every human being on this small dirtball is a mutant. Let that sink in. You. Are. All. Mutants. You just haven't awoken your abilities or something extra is preventing it." I enjoyed the shocked looks before waving to my two bodacious bodyguards to escort the reporters away as I dredged up the courage to walk towards Reed Richards(Mr. Fantastic) and Toy Stark(You already know him).

"Good evening Mr. Stark, Mr. Richards. I see you brought guests." I said in a jovial tone hiding my underlying nervousness as I looked to see Carol Danvers(Captain Marvel), Wanda Maximoff(Scarlet Witch), Steve Rogers(Captain America), Clint Barton(Hawk-eye, Jennifer Walters(She-Hulk), Peter Parker(Spider-Man), Natasha Romanoff(Black Widow), Susan Storm(Invisible Woman), Johnny Storm(Human Torch) and Ben Grimm(The Thing).

"It's good to meet another scientific mind. These are-" I cut Mr. Richards by replying.

"I know all of you. When you're bored and have a photographic memory you tend to end up reading through the internet and phone books." I said plainly not wanting to go through introductions.

"It's good to meet you all though. I was hoping to share notes with you Mr. Stark on my new Zero Reactors." I said taking a moment to shake each hand though making sure not to touch Wanda for more than a second as I don't want to know how our two different chaotic powers would interact. (Chaos Magic and Chaos energy is a big NO!)

"I'm interested in them as well since you seemed to have based them after my own Arc reactors." He cheekily while I just faked chuckled.

"Guilty as charged. Though I only did that to stabilize and enhance my own created power source Element Zero which while powerful is even more so due to your Arc reactor inspiring me. Before I could at most power a few cities now I could power entire continents with a Zero reactor the size of a one person bed" I said triumphantly. Though those were the prototypes not even using the new element he discovered in Iron man 2. The superior ones could theoretically power the planet for a millennium before losing 10% charge.

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