Explanations of the last chapter

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Now I know some of you might be confused about what went on the last chapter so I'll explain here.

So basically Davion(you) lost your cool your cool when you saw MJ being thrown off a roof. Being part Angel increases your compassion and being part Saiyan, Dragon and Demon make you very vengeful meaning when you see an innocent person being hurt you're going to be WAY angrier from normal. You didn't realize how hard you were hitting Venom who is not even in your league meaning you were beating him down way harder than you thought you were and nearly killed him which is why you saw SM being so frantic.

Now you just NOW noticing how you lost control are a little shocked and put up an act. Kinda like a tsundere. Making yourself seem like a dark avenger (Huh) more than a hero.

Also about the whole not being a hero thing well that part comes from me. Your past and history in this story are based on my own except for a few things (okay that's a lie everything is based on my own except for my personality. I'm way more kind.). You not being a hero is something that comes from me.

Basically, I don't see myself as the hero type as no matter how kind I act. I am very selfish the only reason I act kind is because it's how my mom raised me and I respect her too much to act any other way. As seen in the story the only reason your a 'hero' is because you know the Avengers will find a way to beat you with some bullshit Deus Ex Machina and as such don't want to bother with it as your not evil enough to actually hurt people without reason.

A hero is an ideal. An ideal that will ruin the life of whoever follows it unless they're a crazy powerful person. A hero does right because it's right and is willing to give anything from yourself to stop villainy or help other people. It is not an ideal I am willing to follow. A hero does the impossible and refuses to give up even though sometimes those aren't the best options.

I hate people who call themselves heroes, especially hypocritical people who think just because they know what's right they should interfere in innocent lives which is at a basic level what most villains actually do.

This is the reason I hate and love Marvel and DC. While Marvel is more 'human' in approach it does illogical stuff like certain heroes causing catastrophes and not learning from their mistakes while with DC the characters are the type of heroes I would follow but they're also that 'ideal hero type' which kind of makes me feel distant and inadequate and that is not good for my self-esteem.

And as you can guess Davion(you) hate a fair amount of heroes as well as villains so don't be surprised if you nearly kill a few and start to be seen as a villain by certain people.

Sorry for the rant I just wanted to clear things up after I failed to portray the messages in the story so far.

P.S. If anybody knows any other fucked up things any heroes in Marvel did such as the time Ms. Marvel beat up Spider-Woman(I think it was her) in front of her child and forced them to register into the Super Human Registration Act. Yeah I want all the juicy details in everyone so tell me please so Davion(you) can have retribution.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 28, 2019 ⏰

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