Sex, Drugs, and Rock n' Roll [an arranged marriage]

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New story!

I know you're all probably thinking... "What the f***! Why did you put "Payback..." on hold and now you're making a new one? What is the deal?!" I know beautiful wattpaders... I am all over the place but beginning school is hectic and I have alot of work to do... And when I write "Payback is a b*tch..." I want it to be good and I can't write anything good with that story unless I know where I'm going with it and right now I'm a tad lost in it. I have a good case of writers block on that one... BUT I'll keep writing "Confessions.." and the werewolf one... Just give it time... And I will write my ass off... But not literally... Because I wouldn't be able to sit... Or poop... SORRY too much information! I'll just get on with it. I am so sorry this is an arranged marriage story but so many of them PISS ME OFF... so I'm gonna make this one good... Well... Better than most... Except that one by twilightluver... And luvrchick and someone with a picture of a girl lying on a guy in some sort of meadow... Tauras19 I think... Mine will probably not be as popular but I'm not doing it for popularity I'm doing it 'cause I like to write arranged marriage stories... And making new characters and new drama and OH I'M SO EXCITED FOR YOU ALL TO READ IT... So enjoy!

Chapter one 

A whole new level of discipline

"I don't wanna close my eyes, I don't wanna fall asleep, cause I'd miss you baby, and I don't wanna miss a thing..." I sang into the microphone of my American idol karaoke game... Playing alone. What? I don't like singing in front if people... It makes me all "...I think I just crapped myself". Which is weird, for someone as arrogant and cocky as me to be shy... quite rare. "Rylee! Can you shut up! I'm trying to do my homework!" Aaron called from his room. Aaron is my twin brother... But we have VERY different personalities. "Aaron can you remove your tampon from your vagina and quit being such a b*tch?!" I yelled in a innocent tone and I heard him march over to my room. "Ooh scary scary... What are you going to do? Bore me to death with another one of your "interesting" lectures on evolution and the progression of mankind." I droned in a mocking tone and he glared at me. "One day, you'll see... What goes around comes back around..." he sneered. "Oh good, Now you're Justin Timberlake... But a lamer nerdy version." he rolled his eyes. "It's called karma, Rylee... And one day it'll work it's magic on you..." he warned me and it was my turn to roll my eyes. "You don't believe in karma you scientific bastard... Or magic at that. Your soul, is kind of like a giant black hole... That sucks up all the happiness and magic out of my karaoke time... Now get out or I'll tell mom I found Playboy magazines in your room..." I stated with a small evil smile. "...But there aren't any Playboy magazines in my room?" he had a confused look on his face and my small got bigger, "She doesn't know that.". "You are an evil girl..." he stated. "So I've been told... Bye bye, love you." I said shooing him out of my room and grabbing my phone. I pressed three on my speed dial.



"Hey Ry!" I heard my gay best friend, Evan, exclaim happily.

"Hey Ev! I was wondering if you maybe wanted to break out the fake ID's and hit the club tonight?" I asked twirling the cord around my finger. I love my phone, it was an antique one where the numbers are on a wheel and you put your finger on a number and turn it till you hit that little metal thing... Know what I'm talking about? Yes? No? Whatever...

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