Sex, Drugs, and Rock n' Roll [an arranged marriage] Chapter Eight

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Chapter Eight


"You have girls football here?!" I exclaimed and Ginny nodded. "Well, of course we do! Don't you have girls football in America?" she asked and I shook my head, "No!" I exclaimed and I wrote my name down on the sign up sheet. "You're signing up? That's great! I'm sure you'll make the team." Ginny smiled and we walked of to science class together. On our way there we passed Vince and his posse of a**holes. I made sure he saw me flipping him off... Because I held my hand up pretty high and held it up for the whole length of the hallway and everyone was laughing. Especially Ginny. She wasn't going to be mean to him but that doesn't mean I have to be nice.

"Today we'll be disecting a sheep's eye.", "Cool." I exclaimed and everyone laughed, "Glad you feel that way, Ms. Turner." Mr. Shae chuckled and went on with his explanation. When the sheep's eye came to our table Ginny face wrinkled in disgust. "It smells funny." she cringed, "Probably because it's an eyeball, Gin. I don't think your eyeball smells like roses. I think it smells like an eyeball." I smirked and slipped on some gloves and held out my hand. "Scalpel." I said and she handed it to me. "I suggest you close your mouth, incase of a squirt of eyeball juice. Even I would find that gross." I warned her and she clamped her lips together, as did I. The disection went smoothly until Ginny threw up and I had to take her to the nurses office.

When Ginny was asleep, I left the nurses office and it was tutoring period for me, so I went to the library to see Curtis. "Hey man, Listen I just saw a whole lot of vomit today and I'm kinda grossed out so can we take it slow today?" I asked and he nodded, "Sure, what happend?". "I was disecting an eyeball and Ginny barfed on it." I sighed and he chuckled, "That sucks. Is she okay?" he asked, "Oh yeah, she'll be fine.". "Alright, When did Christopher Colombus sail the ocean?" he asked a suprise question, he does that often. "1492." I smirked and he clicked his tongue. "I have taught you well young grasshoper... Speaking of... What was the name of the grasshoper in Pinnochio?" he asked and I scoffed, "Trick question, because Jimminy was a cricket, not a grasshoper and that has nothing to do with book smarts, I've owned that video tape since I was six." I chuckled and he rolled his eyes, "Fine, you win." he sighed. "I always do."

At the end of the day I was totally psyched for the girls football team tryouts. I've never heard of a girls football team before. When I got there, there were a bunch of chicks kicking around a soccerball. Talk about disappointing. "Sorry, I think I got the wrong place, where are the girls football tryout's?" I asked the man who I assumed was the coach, because it would be weird if he was trying out. "Here?" he said as if it were obvious. "They're playing soccer?" I said in the same tone of voice as him. "Here in England "soccer" is called football... Which makes more sense than American football because it's actually played with your feet." he said and I sighed kin of upset, "Yeah, and it's actually a lot more lame than American football too." I muttered and went to walk away.

"Hey, whoa, whoa, don't go insulting one of the world's greatest games." he exclaimed and I shrugged, "I just did.". "Aren't you gonna try out?" he asked and I frowned, "Why would I try out? I don't like soccer.". "You're the one who signed up.", "Not what I signed up for, but thanks anyway." I sighed and turned to walk away again. "Coward." I heard him say and I turned around. "Excuse me, sir... But I am not a coward." I said and he scoffed. "Prove it." he taunted me and I grabbed a soccerball from the bag and booted it almost all the way across the entire field. His jaw hung open and I laughed as I walked away. "Wait! Wait! Wait!" he ran after me and I rolled my eyes. "I. Don't. Like. Soccer." I said simply and he got down on his knees. "Pleeeease... PLEASE be on the team!" he begged and I shook my head. "No tackling involved. I'm not involved." he light up. "Rugby!" he said and I raised an eyebrow. "The rugby team! Rugby is alot like football! But we only have a boys rugby team..." he said and I scoffed. "I'm a lot tougher than I look Mr...?", "Ross.", "Mr. Ross... I can hold my own. So tomorrow, you can just tell me the time and place and I'll show up at your little rugby practice." I chuckled and finally managed to walk off the field uninterupted.

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