Sex, Drugs, and Rock n' Roll [An arranged marriage]

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Chapter two 

Prince charming... Is emo?

A week later...

"Honey, we're gonna miss you-". "Save your bullsh*t for someone who'll believe you." I muttered and walked to the limo as men carried boxes of my things and drove in a big black suv behind us... I felt like the president or something. Last week was torture for me, they went through a whole bunch of explanations and telling me that it was also a tradition that happened between my mother and father, so it was gonna happen to me anyway whether I liked it or not. So that's great, cause I know my mom and dad love each other so much... Biggest lie ever. They hate each other and fight all the time... It's basically the ambiance music of the house... I call it "B*TCH, A**HOLE, MOTHERF*CKER, WHORE!"... Yep, It's pretty hardcore (A/N Hahaha another rhyme... My bad.). So if I had the same misfortune as my parents I will be spending the rest of my life with this guy, who's frigin loaded judging by the limo, being miserable and fighting relentlessly. I sighed and just rested my head on the cool glass window and fell asleep, wanting to forget my worries... But that's impossible.

"Ms. Turner?... Ms. Turner?" I opened my eyes and saw a beautiful middle aged woman staring at me with gleaming eyes in the limo. "Oh my goodness... You have such a beautiful face... Everything about is just so... so perfect." she said with a big smile and brought a hand to her heart in happiness. All I was thinking was "Oh god, lady, wait till you hear what comes out of this "perfect" mouth..." but as rude as I seem, I respect my elders... Sometimes. But she seemed nice so I was gonna be nice even though she's kinda forcing me to marry her son... Maybe he'll be a hot jock or something. Ooh yeah let's hope THAT happens! I flashed her a big smile and got out of the limo, "Hello, I'm Rylee Elisa Turner, It's very nice to meet you, Mrs. Ford... And I'm sorry, I'm very under dressed..." I said observing her beautiful shimmering burgundy cocktail dress and she shook her head. "No, no, it's just that my husband and I have a charity banquet to attend tonight darling and you'll be home with Curtis getting better acquainted... And of course all the butlers and maids will be here too." Butlers? Maids? I think I might like it here. "That sounds great I said actually looking up at the CASTLE... For the first time. I made a sort of squeak noise and she laughed. "It'll take some getting used to for you, a new home, new rules, new people, new experiences, new school... But I'm sure you'll end up being just fine with us... Because you have no idea how happy you've made us by accepting to marry Curtis." she smiled and I think I even saw her eyes start to water. "Really, Mrs. Ford , it's not a big deal... That you offered to help me means the world to me... Because you accepted to do what my parents couldn't do." I said it was only half a lie. The help thing was the truth though... It not being a big deal was a lie. It was a huge deal! I was marrying her son... Who I have never met or seen before... ever! "Well it's our pleasure, Rylee... And call me Lillian." she beamed. "Alright, Lillian!" I grinned and she led me into the castle- I mean the house. My jaw dropped at the sight of all the gold and crystals and beautiful antique paintings on the walls. A giant double stair case leaded to the second floor which was at least three story's high. And the floor's looked like marble... They were marble! There were about 10 butlers and 10 maids lined up at the entrance. "Welcome home, Ms. Turner..." they said in unison... Wait, I'm Ms. Turner! Yay me! "Wow... Um hi... And thank you..." I stammered. "Cecilia, could you please show Rylee to her room." Lillian asked one of the maids and she curtsied and gestured with a smile for me to follow her, so I did. We walked up a bajillion stairs and finally ended up stopping in front of two large double doors. "Enjoy, and your belonging will be up shortly, Ms. Turner." she said and curtsied again. "Please call me Rylee... And don't curtsy to me... I am too b*tchy to be respectful to... But don't worry! I'll be nice to you..." I smiled and she returned it and skittered off like a little chipmunk. Aww... I wonder where my "fiancé" is? I'm going on a man hunt!

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