6. >ICE<

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The music danced through the air. Sound waves bouncing from object to object, echoing to the outer ear, streaming to the inner.

Ian sat on the balcony egg chair fixated on the dancing gypsy. She was moving with the music. She felt it. The feeling you get when you truly have a passion for something. She understood. "IAN!!!" His mother called from downstairs. He sighed turning his attention to the door he was about to walk out of. The facade was drowned with paparazzi. Cameras flashed and journalist's yelled. "too much..." Ian thought to himself. He stood up and walked inside, glancing one last time at the gypsy. "Tch"

He exited the room and marched down the hall, entering the gigantic open space. He scanned the room; no one impor- "Good morning Young Master!" The woman greeted bowing. Tch. "Good morning, Jill" He replied, with an emotionless face. Jill, on the other hand, had a smile plastered on her face. Her smile matched her appearance, bright blonde hair, big green eyes, fair skin and a hour glass figure, with glasses comfortably propped upon her nose. "A drink Young master?" She asked. He denied and dismissed her, "Oh, By the way, your mother is waiting down in the courtyard! Have a great d-" "Thank you Jill" Ian said, hinting annoyance in his voice. Beginning his stroll- well, his run, he flashed down the staircase. Ian wasn't really a runner, or a jogger, he wasn't even athletic. He did have a round belly, but wasn't referred as or considered fat. Passing the staff, he bolted past the dogs. Apparently that was enough to get them rowdy.

Ian's mother ran her slim fingers through her light brown hair, letting out a sigh. Resting on the outdoor recliner observing the wild life that populated the environment was one of her hobbies, it was a stress reliever. Whenever she needed a haven she would pop herself onto the chair and watch. Watch the birds flap their feathered wings. Watch the ducks dance across the pond. Watch locals jump from the docked pontoons. "Tch where is he?" She thought to herself, getting impatient. Quick heavy foot steps were heard echoing against the marble.

When the racket stopped, she picked up her tea and blew off the steam. As it trailed to the distant clouds, her eyes followed the track. Sip. Sip. "Why Tea on such a scorching day?" The voice questioned. She smiled, still gazing at the clouds. Sip. "You left me waiting for soo long; I thought you would never show up."

[Snowland district]

flakes sprayed as his blades swiveled through the ice. The rink was empty, the only person there was the tall dark skinned teen. He Twisted and swirled on the frozen water, creating miraculous patterns. The colored boy paused and took a deep breath, lowering his head and arms. 3... 2... 1. His head shot up and he stomped hit foot. He skated around, gaining momentum every second. Once he was at full speed he performed a triple toe loop, transitioning into a single. He performed it like it was nothing. He put his hands behind his back and intertwined his fingers together. "like a feather" The boy skated back to the entrance and stopped, turning back to the ice. Clicking his fingers; he inhaled and exhaled the cold damp air. Skating off again, he did a single toe loop, moving into a double axel.

Freedom. He continued to sashay around the rink. This was his definition of freedom. As he intricately moved, he put one arm out, as if he were reaching for someone. This was his haven. He then bent over, with one leg in the air. The ice ring. He then stood up straight and spun himself around. He was spinning very fast. With his back straight, he inhaled the cold air, and grunted, flicking his leg above his head. That was enough for him to grab onto. He was then skating on one leg, while the other was held in the air. He licked his lips and lowered his leg, slowing down, eventually breaking.

There was clapping. "I'm impressed Flitzy! You were great!" Flitz turned to the figure and smiled. "How long have you been standing there?" He giggled, skating over to the figure. She let out a soft chuckle, "Well, when did you start?" She asked opening her arms. His face lightened up and hugged her. "How are you, Aunty Vielet?" He asked still embraced in the hug. "I've been good! How are you?" She soon broke away from the hug, the two of them still smiling. Amra's braces shone in the sunlight. "Have you seen mom yet?" He asked his Aunt. She shook her head and pulled up her red scarf. "But, the old woman did ask for me to bring you home, soo..." Amra nodded, "I'll just go gather my things!" He said with cheer in his voice. He slid back into the rink and swiveled to where his belongings were. Vielet sighed, "I'll be waiting!" She yelled.

Knock Knock. "Mom its me! I'm home!" Amra yelled from the doorstep. Quick footsteps were heard from behind the door. "comin' sweet pea!" A welcoming voice answered. A the knob turned and a clink was heard. Vielet was standing behind him, holding his skates. "Hey... Buddy, you wanna hold these now?" She asked. He looked at her and apologized, taking them from her hands. The opened and a lady, a bit shorter than Amra stood in the door way smiling. "Vielet!" She excitedly pronounced, hugging her sister. "Hey old lady!" Vielet laughed. "Hah! Says you!" Vielet broke from the hug and rolled her eyes.

"I hope you made dinner, cause Flitzy here is hungry... Right?" Vielet said nudging him with her elbow. "yeah, sure" he answered. "Well, Vie, you can wash up and then eat, you two" Amra's mom informed. Amra nodded and walked off, but Vielet just stood there with her arms crossed, squinting at her sister. "Okay. I see.you still don't listen to me-" her sister turned around and walked up the stairs. "You left your bags!" His mother shouted. "I'll get them later!" Vielet yelled back, still sashaying up the wooden stairs. Amra's mother shook her head, "And to think you have kids" she whispered to herself, turning to the kitchen.


Cool. So... I finished Yuri!!! On ice, so when I was planning this chapter, it was originally going to be them getting the message they have to go to fight the giants, but then I realized... I didn't do a chapter about Ian and Amra. Soo, that chapter that was originally planned is going to be chapter 7. So basically, I made this from straight of the bat. So yeah, flitz is a ice-skater and Ian is a rich boii. I do apologize for being Mr incognito, but, it is what it is. MATTHEW SOHINKI IS COMING SOON.



Naabot mo na ang dulo ng mga na-publish na parte.

⏰ Huling update: Apr 15, 2019 ⏰

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RUNNING FROM GIANTS (EatUrFarkinMeat)Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon