Chapter 5

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I woke up to the sun beaming through the teal curtains cascading down the window.

"Hello son." A voice called from the corner. I rubbed my eyes add flipped to the side. I beamed when I saw-

"Mr. Clint." I remarked. I was in the same white room I was when I fell asleep. Mr. Clint's face grew melancholy when he heard me call him.

"Sorry. I mean sir." I corrected. I just got adopted, I can't mess this up.

Mr. Clint looked upset, "What do you mean sir?" He growled at me.

I fidgeted with the covers, my fingers making circles on the cotton blanket. "Mr. Clint.....sir....the doctor?" I asked his expression didn't ever change for the better. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry." I pleaded.

Mr. Clint swung his hand back. Mine shot up to my face for protection. I knew he wanted to hit me. Before Mr. Clint could move any more I was on my feet and running.

I ran out of the bedroom door and towards what I could remember being the meeting room. My legs felt like jelly and my lungs were burning. I tripped over a loose cord laying in the hall. I tumbled to the ground and decided to stay there.

Mr Clint couldn't find me. I wanted him to though. I wanted him to hold me close and tell me everything would be fine. I held my knees and peered down the hallways that sprawled from each corner of the room.

I heard footsteps. Then two arms pulled me to my feet. They tugged me into a hug.

"Don't run from me again." He harshly warned.

"You wanted to hit me." I barley audibly whispered. Mr. Clint paled significantly.

"No Ollie. I told you I would NEVER hurt you. I was gesturing to the windows, they were behind me. I wanted to know about your birthday."

I pulled away from Mr. Clint and peered up at him quizzically. "Birthday?"

He looked shocked. "Ollie! I'll show you what a birthday is. I'm making today your birthday!"

I smiled an nodded. It was exciting, I had a birthday. Mr. Clint took my hand and led me to the kitchen. On the wall hung a big calendar, Mr. Clint took a red marker and circled a box.

"Today is the 26 of December. Every year we will celebrate your birthday on this day."

I smiled and nodded and sat down at one of the chairs. "What do we do on a birthday?"

The Dr smiled and sat down across from me. "Well I need to get you a gift, and a cake, and invite some friends over and-"

"Dad wait. Wait slow down." I interrupted. I put my hands up to signal that he was going to fast.

Dad made eye contact at me and smiled. "You called me dad." He beamed.

I twisted my shirt around my index finger, "well. ya. is that ok?"

Dad's deep echoing laugh filled the kitchen. "Ya Ollie! I would love that."

My smile spread across my face. My cheeks were pink and I was ecstatic. It was my birthday. I had a dad.

"Go on to your room, Ollie. I have to get a present. I don't want you to see it yet."

I scampered up the carpet steps and through the door to my room. I flopped down onto the white sheets. I laid there for a while.

Then I stood up walked over to the bookshelf on along the wall. I brushed my spines of the book. Feeling the embroidered letters of the titles, I keep feeling every book. Then I stopped. One book called to me. I pulled it off the shelf and tossed it from one hand to the other.

"The Invention of Hugo Cabret" It looked good. Lots of pictures. Still holding the book I waltzed over to a chair in the corner and flopped down on it. I flipped through the pages. Memorized by the pictures.

The way each stoke of the pen captured the expression perfectly. The boy in the book was so smart. It kept me happy, the book pulled me into a world I've never seen before. Even if it was in all pictures.

I read through most of the book, my hand was cut with paper cuts. The clock above my door read 3 o'clock. I had been reading for three hours. A knock at the door pulled me out of the wonderful tale.

In walked dad he was holding a box wrapped in gold and blue paper. On top sits a bow and a card. "Happy Birthday Ollie" Dad handed me the box. I thanked him and set it next to me.

"Your not going to open it?" Dad look upset "You have to take the paper off."

I held the box again and began to rip the paper off like a child. I balled up the paper and tossed it into a corner. Inside the box sat a little shell. The shell began to shake and a scaly head popped out. Then two front hands.

It was a turtle. I scooped him up and snuggled him up to my chest. I kissed his shell. "I'm going to name his squishy."

Dad smiled at me and rustled my hair. "Come on Ollie I have cake down stairs."

I jumped from the chair, still holding squishy, and ran out the bedroom door. I lept down every other stair and skipped to the kitchen. I pulled up a chair around the bar and set squishy down on the counter.

Dad brought out a chocolate cake. It had "Happy Birthday Son" written on it in red. The chocolate frosting had sprinkles of all different colors wrapped along it. We cut the cake and took a slice each. Even giving Squishy a piece of lettuce to feast with us.

"Ollie. The League of Villain's plan on attacking the city tomorrow. I have to help them do it. Or they may kill me. What are you going to do?"

I looked at my dad oddly, my eyes were huge. I paused for a long time.

"I have to fight you."


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