Chapter 3

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Song: Kings & Queens by SoMo

"Jacob I am going to kill you!"

We have arrived at Callaway Gardens for not even a minute and Jacob is already on top of me.

We got here and unpack and all that great shit. Then as I was in Lauren and I's room Jacob comes in and sits on me. SITS ON ME.

"Hey, this is your fault. If you wouldn't have messed with me all the way here you wouldn't be in this predicament." Jacob said.

"Predicament? What did you just look that word up?"

"Yes actually, I wanted to sound smart."

"For Lauren?" I smirked.

"Am I making it too obvious?"

I laughed. "Dude, we almost wrecked cause you were staring at her."

"Did not!"

"Did to!"

"Guys stop!" My mom yelled.

My mom has been moody all day. In the car we came to an solution. She is PMSing.

Jacob got off and then helped me up.

"We are going to the family dinner over at the beach so get ready and not playing around." She said, and then walked out the room.

"Yea Jacob don't play around." I teased.

"Just remember loser, you have to go to sleep sometime." Jacob said and then went to go change in his room.

Lauren and I got ready for this dinner thing. I put on my red sun dress and straightened my hair. Its parted down the middle and I call it the butt crack part. Cause it looks like a butt crack.

Went Lauren and I were ready we made sure to check each other.

"Pit check. Booger check. Eye check. Make up check. Butt check." We said at the same time, checking each other.

"Dude you look amazing." I said.

She had on this black top that was fitted and was tucked into her high waisted shorts. Then to top is all off she has combat boots and her hair was up in a nice bun.

"So do you! Where did you get your dress?" Lauren asked.

"I ordered it online."

"Well its a good thing we are the same size cause I will defiantly be borrowing that."

We both walked out into the kitchen with every one else. I am assuming they were waiting for us cause every one was sitting down and waiting.

"Well you guys look pretty." My mom said.

"Yea, you two already got dates or something?" My dad asked.

Lauren locked her arm around mine. "Yea, Carter is my date."

I laughed. "Yea."

Everyone else rolled their eyes and started heading to the golf cart we rented.

Lauren and I ran to the very back and took our seats.

"I'm guessing they wanted the back." My mom said.

My dad started the golf cart and we began to make our way to the beach. When we got there we all went to find seats.

"Ready to get this party started, Carter." Lauren said, holding her arm out for me.

"Why yes I am." I replied hooking my arm with her's.


ugh, i dont like this chapter. and i know that the picture isnt of lilly collins and miley cyrus, but i like the picture so shh

Vacation // Luke HemmingsWhere stories live. Discover now