Chapter 4

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Song: If You Only Knew by Breaking Benjamin

We walked on the beach for a good thirty minutes, then I decided I needed to use the bathroom.

We saw some really cool things at this place. There was a bounce thing on the water, there are boats with tubs attached, there is a vollyball net. There is all kinds of things, and seeing all that only made my excitement grow more.

Lauren went to go a find the rest of the family because dinner was about to be served to everyone vacationing here.

Before I walked out the bathroom, I checked myself to make sure I still looked good. Never know who you're gonna see.

When I walked out I began looking around for the table my family would be sitting at. I began walking around trying to search for them, but I couldn't seem to find them.

"Where the hell are they?" I asked myself.

I spotted Lauren standing on the table waving like a lunatic trying to get my attention. I put my head down and laughed and made my way to the table. On my way to the table I was knocked onto my feet.

"Shit, I am so sorry, are you okay?" Asked a deep voice.

I opened my eyes only to see the boy that I have been thinking about every day for the past seven months.

"Um, yea." I said getting up and dusting off my butt.

He reached out his hand to help pull me up, but I rejected it. When I was up on my feet, I smoothed out my dress and stared at the ground.

"Carter?" Luke breathed out.

"In the flesh."

"Oh my god you"re here!" He said and pulled me into a hug.

Don't get me wrong, if the situation was different I would totally be hugging this kid right now, but that isnt the case. So, I pushed him off lightly.

"Carter." Luke said.

"You ignored me for seven months Luke."

"I know and I'm sorry but if you would-"

"What Luke? If I would just listen to you? No, I dont want to listen to your excuses, you had that chance seven fucking months ago when I sent you a message wanting to keep in contact with you but no. You decided I wasn't worth you time." I said and then began to walk back to my family.

"You are worth my time Carter!" Luke yelled at me.

I stopped in my tracks and just listened to him speak. I mean its the least I can do right?

God, I am too nice for this shit.

"You are worth my time, but I didnt want you to sit around waiting for me. It wasnt right for you or me. And when you told me that you didnt want to talk anymore because of Kayla, I wanted to just go in a corner and stay because I knew that the friendship we developed would be lost. And I know you're pissed at me for reading your message and then not responding and I'm sorry. I didnt know what you wanted me to say. I'm not good in those situatuions and I thought it was best if I just ignored you. So, can you just give me a chance to make it up to you?" Luke said, out of breath.

I turned my head over my shoulder slightly.

"Luke, you had your chance to make it up to me before I even got here. So if I didnt matter then, then I shouldn't matter now." I said and then walked away ignoring Luke's cries and pleases for me to come back.

I wanted to go back. So badly, but I couldnt. I wanted to go into his arms and just stay there and have him hold me for all the times he couldn't before. But I couldn't. And I probably won't be able to.


such a shitty chapter again. sorry. ill try to make the next one better.

Vacation // Luke HemmingsWhere stories live. Discover now