Chapter 5

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Song: With Arms Wide Open by Creed

Luke's Pov 

I walked back to the deck in silence, thinking about how much I hurt Carter over the past few months.

I am such a jerk. And to make it worse, I told her I wasn't like all the jackasses in the world. Turns out I am. 

Truth be told, I didn't like Kayla as much as I liked Carter, but there was nothing I could do. No way I could see her, hold her, kiss her. Its not like I was going out and looking for some one, It just kind of happened. I know Carter was hurt by the way she was texting me that day, but I didn't know what to say. I know she wanted me to fight with her, but that isn't me. I do what the girl's want not what I want, and maybe I should have done what I wanted for once. Maybe I should have replied. Then, maybe she would be sitting here on this couch with me instead of me being alone. 

I have to get her to talk to me.

I got my phone out of my pocket and started typing a message to her best friend Lauren. I have kept up with Lauren asking her how Carter was doing and things like that. Lauren wasn't too happy with me at first and I don't think she happy with me yet, but she accepts it. She knows how much I care for Carter, and I hope she knows that I am going to do everything in my power to get her to talk to me. 

to: Lauren

please get Carter to meet me at the deck tonight at 11. tell her that Randi and Calum are going jump off the top and y'all are going to do it as well. please do this for me, i need her to talk to me. 

I was surprised to see how fast she answered me. i guess she knew this would happen.

to: Luke

i was wondering how long it would take you to grow some balls. yes i will do this for you but if you hurt her..the balls you just grew would be no more.  

I laughed. Lauren was somethng else. I see why her and Carter are best friends. They balance each other out. Kind of like me and Ashton. 

I looked at the clock and saw it was an hour until Carter would be here so I need to start figuring out what I will be telling the most beautiful girl on the planet. Yes, cheesey I know. But god damn she is beautiful. Her personality is what makes her the most beautiful though. She has such a big heart even though she tries to hide it from others. She is so sweet even to people like me who don't deserve it. I truly envy her kindness towards others. I wish I had that, but I don't. 

I hope after tonight we can do everything we wanted to do. I want to take her out like I promised and kiss her and hold her close and be able to put my arm around her and play with her hair(shut up). I just want her to be mine, and not temporarly like I told her. Because after this week I'm not too sure if it'll just be temporary. 

As I was thinking about all this shit, I decided that I was going to write Carter a song. Maybe a song will help her understand how sorry I am. 

I have an hour to write a song. Shit, this is going to be the longest hour of my life.


OKAYYY, so im back and i decided this story needed a change because i didnt know how to write it and it was frusterating. so i hope you all enjoy what is coming and please read. you wont regret it



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