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Jisung stood alone at the beach as he watches the waves hitting the rocks.

He was into thoughts as he could hear nothing but silence.

"Can you hear the sea?" A young girl around his age, asks him, as she stand side by side with him on the beach. Jisung didn't show any signs of reaction, instead, he looks away.

"I don't need to hear it to know how beautiful and relaxing it is."

She blinked did he hear her?

A few days passed since that incident. Y/N had figure out that, the stranger at the beach, his name was Jisung.

Han Jisung was his name.

He was deaf. 

"How long have you been here?" She tries to start a conversation with him but he didn't seem to faze.

She sighs as she realize that he really can't hear her, which means he probably didn't even hear her sing from before either.

After no more movements or fingers tapping for his attention, Jisung glance back down to the girl whose name he does not know.

She was taking out a notepad from her bag she carried with her to practice.

"I am Y/N. I want to become a singer in one of the big three company in Seoul." She wrote down for him to read.

Jisung's eyes widen as a smile curve up her lip.

"And..." she slowly writes again.

"I want to be your friend."

Hear the Sea - Han Jisung✔️Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora