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Standing on the bridge together, Y/N was humming a song she's been working with her team mates.

Jisung couldn't hear her so she decided to use this chance to say something she had long to say.

"If only if you could hear me, that'll be great. I'll probably be happier than when I passed the auditions." She said to him.

Jisung didn't give her any reaction and she smiles to herself.

"I wish you could hear me. I wish you could hear the sounds of music and the waves." She said this time and he slowly turns to face her.

Her eyes stared into his as he carefully reach down to take her hand.

He gave it a squeeze and smiles.

"I don't know what you are saying right now but i hope you know that I'm happy." He said to her.

"What do you want to do?" She typed down and hit send as he open his phone.

"What do you mean?" He asks her the same question again.

"Do you want to hear the sea? Do you ever want to try to hear what music sounds like? Do you ever wonder how I sound like?" Y/N asked him on as her eyes begins to water. Without knowing why she was tearing up she wipes her tears away to hide the silent pain.

Seeing him like this pains her.

Then slowly he types something down in his phone.

"To be honest, I envy you for being able to do what you like. You like singing which I felt bad because i can't hear your voice. I don't know how your voice is like." He said in a small paragraph.

Then he types again.

"I can't hear the sea neither can i hear your voice but i can see how beautiful everything is around me, which is enough to make me happy."

Hear the Sea - Han Jisung✔️Where stories live. Discover now