Chapter 1

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I slung my backpack over my shoulder and pushed through the heavy doors of West View High School, reluctant to start the day. I had barely let out my first breath when the sun shone heavily inside the school hallways, revealing a muddle of teenagers. I squinted a few times and the first group of kids my eyes landed on were shoving each other into the lockers for fun, and the next group of kids I saw were the tall jocks - basketball players from the looks of it.

I already wanted a do-over for today. In fact, maybe I could just skip the first day of sophomore year altogether.

I was the new kid, at a new school, with no sense of the dynamic here.

I hated being the new kid because having been the new kid for the second time now, I knew everyone had already made their friends here and I'd be lucky if anyone was nice enough to decide to befriend me. That is, if I was open to it this time around.

I was less-than popular at my last school for always being kept to myself and pulling out my sketchbook. I tried not to care too much of what others thought of me. My intentions didn't always work; I did, in fact, care too much what others thought of me. Inevitably, this overtone of fear of judgement and rejection from others transpired into a cold attitude that would make me all the more unpopular. I didn't care about brand names, the coolest hair, or even much more than a little black makeup to accentuate my hazel-brown eyes. When it came to fashion and style, 'comfy' was my go-to, not the fashion trends that my peers seemed to care about so fanatically.

I was just trying to survive what was school. My goal wasn't to be well-liked, it was to get through the next two years as quickly as possible so I could forget they ever happened.

 I avoided eye contact with anyone I passed at all costs and started walking toward the wing of the school that I hoped would lead me to my locker. I had at least ten minutes before class would start, yet that didn't seem like enough time. I mentally kicked myself for not arriving sooner. I hadn't made it to the open house or school tour days because my dad and I had just driven into the city last night. We weren't necessarily the most organized, plan-oriented family. My mom and kid brother would arrive tomorrow after packing a few more boxes. At the rate we were packing, I thought I'd at least be lucky to miss half the week at school. Nope.

I found my locker within the next minute and a half and had no problem dialing the lock open, thank goodness. I grabbed my English literature and geometry textbooks, and made sure I had my laptop for media arts. I turned from my locker to start heading to my first class, but there was such a whirlwind of students. Some were as fast-paced as the Energizer bunny and some sauntered alongside their friends, clutching their notebooks, laughing much louder than necessary. I didn't want to get run over, so I tried to go the same direction the majority of them were going, like a school of fish. I ended up being several minutes late to class, because that made me take a longer route than necessary. I also decided to stop for a bathroom break and the line was so long. Cons of being a girl. Lucky me. 

I stood in front of the door to English Literature. Please let this day be over. 

I braced myself before I entered, knowing what awaited me. As quietly as I could, I crept in, but of course, everyone stopped what they were doing momentarily to stare at me, the new girl. I clutched my textbooks a little tighter and let out a little chuckle and sheepish grin. It was like the awkwardness was oozing out of me. 

Instead of proceeding to quietly sit down in the nearest empty seat like a normal person might, I decided it was a good idea to introduce myself to the teacher, amidst the silence, and she didn't look very thrilled. "Hello Ms. Tuckett, I'm Ava-" Ms. Tuckett cut me off and asked me to please sit down, informing me the lesson had already begun and the clock was ticking. So much for a hearty welcome. I rushed to a seat while everyone rolled their eyes. A couple girls turned to comment something to each other and snickered. I even thought I heard someone snap their bubblegum in annoyance.

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