Chapter 2

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Dad sees me pull up in my 1961 GMC Suburban. It's old-school but it's robin-egg blue and it's mine. It's a symbol of my victory in passing my driver's test over the summer. I park in front of our new house, I daresay home because it hardly feels like a home at this point. Dad is still unpacking the U-Haul truck. 

We moved up here because dad got a better paying job in IT work, but now we live in the bigger city where they say everything is more expensive anyway. I hope this all works out because I'm not saying the last city was great, but I was comfortable and mostly knew what to expect. Everyone left me alone. Here, not so much. I mean, I just made friends with a bunch of dudes over pizza and Dew, what's that all about? 

"Hey kid!" my dad calls out to me as I slam the car door shut. Robin's a bit rusty so basically I have to slam the door shut if I really want it closed. "How was your first day at school?" he inquires. He stops unpacking for a moment to turn and face me, wiping his arm across his sweaty forehead. "Oh, it was pretty good," I say. Since there was none of the expected sarcasm dripping from my voice, dad inquires further, "Oh? Really?" I wave away his inquiry and play it down by saying, "Well, it wasn't horrible." Realizing he won't get much detail out of me right now, he tells me to go grab a snack inside and come back in five to help him keep unloading boxes. 

I run inside and my phone vibrates inside my pocket. I munch on a PBJ with sliced banana in it while I check my new texts and notifications. Chris Henderson has sent you a friend request. 

My heart jolts like lightning when I read it. A giddy smile forms on my lips. 

Dad hollers for me to come help and I put my phone away. 


I get to school another ten minutes earlier than I did yesterday and decide to add a little flair to my locker. I tape up a few small copies of my most prized sketches and add a mirror and some holographic magnets I bought at a boutique. Before I know it, it's time for English Lit and I will not be late again if I can help it. I learned yesterday that if I'm tardy more than three times a quarter, I automatically get after-school detention. I might be a misfit, but I don't like getting into trouble. 

I'm sitting down with my textbook out a minute before class, and of course, so is Christian. A good-two shoes, is he? "Hey Avalon!" He's way too excited to see me. That makes me smile on the inside but I won't let it show on the outside. Nevermind, a little smile escapes my lips. Darnit. "Christian, hey! How'd the rest of school go for you yesterday?" I manage to say more enthusiastically than I think I've been in months. He looks upward as if he's checking with his brain first and goes, "Yeah, good. Nothing too exciting but no homework to worry about yet, so." I give him a thumbs up because class is starting and Ms. Tuckett looks just as thrilled to be there as she did yesterday. I wonder how people end up being teachers if they don't like to teach kids and be there in the first place. 

I also wonder if Christian's wondering why I haven't accepted his friend request. I feel more awkward about it than I anticipated. He doesn't seem to treat me any differently. I look over at him during our individual reading and reflection time and he's as studious as can be.


 I plan to stick around a minute or two to keep talking to Christian after class gets out, but it seems he knows quite a few people because a few of the girls are surrounding his desk as soon as class lets out. One of them seems to be flirty but he's being his friendly, usual self as far as I can tell. I leave to avoid feeling the twinge of jealousy, and I feel dumb for even caring about someone I've known for exactly one day and one hour.

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