Chapter 18

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At school the next day, I'd about had it with Clara. If she did or said anything I didn't like today, I wasn't going to be taking the 'high road,' as Christian put it. I was rummaging through my locker looking for a spare notebook I thought I had in there. I had to hurry up a bit if I was going to get to class - it was all the way over in the west wing. 

I saw Monty coming toward my locker out of the corner of my eye. 

"Hey dude, how's it going?" I asked him nonchalantly. I smile and jokingly say in an official-sounding voice, "What brings you to my office young lad?" He scrunches up his nose a little and goes, "You're a weirdo, Avalon." I chuckle, "Maybe, I am, but so are you." He shrugs, "True."

I am glad he's here. I want to finally show off some of my sketches, the ones I hung up in my locker, but he seems to have something on his mind. I've got four minutes before the bell rings, though.

"Yo, are you okay Monty? You seem kind of . . . off." He tries to laugh off his nerves, "You know, I did want to ask you something." I sense something strange coming. "Uh huh, like what?" He stammers, "Would you want to go to the Fall Ball with me?" I squint at him, taking in his words like a punch to the gut. Monty had a thing for me?  "The fall what?" I asked, clarifying. "Yeah, the Fall Ball, it's a tradition around here. I wanted to know if you'd be my date." He seemed more confident that time.

Before I know it Monty leans in toward me and kisses me right on the lips. Somehow, his arms had wrapped around me while that happened. I stammer when he releases me from his embrace and all I can muster is, "Uh, um . . . Monty, what the heck was that for?" He immediately looks hurt. Man, I've gotta be more careful with my words. 

He's got his hands in his pockets now and his shoulders seem tense. "Sorry, if I shocked you, I just think you're really cool. If you can't already tell,  I like-like you a lot." I shift uncomfortably, "Thanks but . . .I'd prefer you ask me if I want to be kissed next time!"

He smiles a little, "So, there's gonna be a next time?"

"I, no, that's not what I meant," I stammer, still feeling the tingle from his lips on mine. 

That was not what I imagined my first kiss to look like. Wow.

"I gotta go to class," I say abruptly, shutting my locker. I feel totally taken aback by Monty's kiss and peer back at him standing there awkwardly. I've never thought of Monty like that...he's not a bad guy . . . in fact, he's sweet, funny, but he's just not . . .Christian.


Later in English class, we have a partner project to do. I immediately turn to Christian and ask him if he wants to be my partner. "Yeah, sounds great," he says with a smile. His black eye is starting to fade a little, but it still looks like it's puffy and sore. While everyone is distracted and mulling around looking for a partner to work with, I reach up to his face and gently stroke his temple near his blackish eye. He doesn't stop fact, he doesn't seem to mind at all. "It looks like it's getting better," I say softly.

I notice him look at my lips for a brief moment and my stomach does a flip. What would Christian think if he knew Monty had kissed me? Would he be jealous? Should I tell him?

I shake my head quickly as if to knock my  thoughts out of my ears. "Right, well, what should our project topic be?" I ask him all casual. He clears his throat a little and we start talking about it. I find myself leaning closer to him than I have to. I can't help but notice that Clara is staring at me. I decide to take the best revenge I could right then and there. And I wanted to. Christian has no idea what I'm doing when I grab his face softly, and kiss him with everything I've got. I hear students start too "ooooh" around us. He's kissing me back...right there in class. I let go of Christian's face and he blinks at me, slightly dazed. 

He doesn't say a word, he is simply grinning. 

Clara gasps audibly and goes, "Ms. Tuckett! Is making out allowed in class?!" Tuckett spins around from the chalkboard and I compose myself as if I did nothing of the sort. Tuckett finally gets on my good side when she goes, "Clara, get back to work and mind your own business." I give Clara a smirk.

Christian and I smile at each other. He grabs my hand under the desk to give it a squeeze. 

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