Chapter 29

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I don't care for the smell of reeking alcohol any longer. I approach a laughing Sylvia, who is in the hot tub with Logan and now a couple others now that they've settle in from their splashing. "Hey Sylvia," I say, "I'm getting antsy. Should we head home soon?" Sylvia glances at me, but she doesn't say a word to me, she just keeps chatting it up with Logan. "Sylvia?" I speak louder, "Should we head out soon?" I ask again. Logan turns to me and rudely says, "I think Sylvia wants to hang out awhile longer. Why don't you go busy yourself?" 

I don't appreciate Logan's attitude toward me all of a sudden and I open the sliding doors to the kitchen. I grab the large bucket of ice from one of the counters.

I head back outside, determined, and come up behind him, dumping the whole lot of crushed ice over on Logan's head. "Talk to me like that again Logan, and we'll have a bigger issue." Part of me had not thought this through, because before I know it, Logan is mad and he crawls out of the tub. He won't be humiliated in front of his new 'friends,' especially now Sylvia. Sylvia looks at me and finally says something, "What do you think you're doing Avalon?" I look at her, ticked, "Defending myself from a loud-mouthed boy," I say. 

Logan doesn't care that I'm talking to Sylvia; he knocks me right off the deck, and onto my bad shoulder. It had only just started to feel better. I groan at the feeling of the bruise re-forming. This is why I shouldn't hang with freshies, I think to myself. Sylvia, even though she had been acting really stupid for ignoring me, finally comes to my defense. "Loser!" she yells at Logan. "She just hurt her shoulder and now you've made it worse!" Even though her dress is soaked and white, she puts in back on, hops off the deck, and helps me off the ground. We've gained the attention of everyone in the yard, including the half-drunk tequila drinkers. 

Sylvia says, "Sorry for being awful to you. I was just trying to fit in and it got to my head." I rub my shoulder, "You were being awful, but I accept your apology." She huffs over her shoulder and says loudly enough for Logan to hear, "He's not even that cute." I'm in pain but that makes me crack up. Logan yells some profanity at us for quite awhile for bothering him in the first place, but he's soon muted as we shut the sliding doors and get inside the house again. I'm glad to be warm again. Fall is in the air.

We go and get Sylvia a towel from one of the downstairs bathrooms and she starts drying off as best she can. I, on the other hand, just dumped all the ice there was on Logan's head, so I can't make a makeshift ice-pack for myself. The bruise is just going to keep getting worse until I can get home. 

"Shall we go?" I ask. "Yeah, that's probably enough excitement for one night," she states. I look at her sopping wet hair and mascaraed raccoon eyes, "No kidding."

We're exiting the bathroom and to my total dismay, Brock is right there in the hall. He sneers, "I think it's my lucky day." I looked him over and shoot back, "You don't know much of anything, do you?" It's really hard to control this mouth of mine.

Brock grabs me by the shoulders, ouch, and tries to make out with me, "I think that you're hot even if you're mouthy." I shake myself out of his grasp and kick him in the groin, hard, since I hadn't gotten the chance to the first time he laid hands on me. He buckles over onto the floor and that gave Sylvia and I enough time to make our escape. 

Once outside the mansion, we both ripped our shoes off and booked it to the car, laughing. "Did you see the look on his stupid face?" I gasped for air, still laughing. "Yeah, it was great! He deserved that and more," she laughed. 

We got back to Sylvia's house, no problem. I called my mom and asked her to spend the night and she said yes. I was so grateful for that, 'cause at this point I was dead tired. 

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