Chapter 27

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I decided to work at my desk for once to see if I would get my homework done faster. I was working on a new portrait sketch and wanted to start penciling in details tonight if I had the time.

Pretty soon, I was easily distracted by social media and my music playlist and the fact that I would pause to go get a snack all the time. And now, my biggest distraction was Christian. As if he wasn't already distracting me pre-boyfriend. I knew I would see him at school the next day, but I missed him already. Everything about him, I missed.

Tomorrow night was the party at Meghan's cousin's house. From what I could tell on social media, Kaylee's family was well-to-do and her cousin was really pretty. They both went to Wet View's rival school, Hawthorne High. It was a higher-end private school. I was interested in going to the party to scope things out, and see what other people my age were up to. I was even more enticed to go because I didn't know anyone from Hawthorne and no one knew me. No Brock, no Clara, okay!

I took the folded-up invite out of my pocket and examined it's bold black wording.

I called up Sylvia. 

"Hey, you want to go to a party with me tomorrow night?" 


Sylvia found me at my locker the next day at school. Her eyes were all big and she squealed, "I can't believe we're going to a party tonight!" I covered her mouth and said, "Sylvia, shhhhh! None of the boys know we're going and I want to keep it that way." Sylvia started doing the dougie, really poorly I might add. But it made her and I laugh. I joined in for a second and we were just cracking up from watching each other be goofy. 

As I was dancing, pretty poorly myself, a hand touched my shoulder, and I jumped in terror. I turned around and it was Christian. He was watching Sylvia and I, all amused. "What's up with you guys?" Sylvia and I exchanged knowing glances and I said, "Oh nothing, we're just . . . planning a girl's night tonight so we're excited for the school-day to be over."

Christian looked at me, slight disappointment in his eyes, "Oh really? Ah, I was planning to ask my girl out for an official date." I gave him a kiss on the cheek and said, "Don't worry, I'm not going anywhere. I'm available on Saturday after work." I slung my arm around Sylvia and the both of us headed down the hall to our classes, while Christian trailed behind. "Trying to steal my girl, Sylvia?" he pouted jokingly.


At lunch, Joey and Tristan were talking about the boundary waters and how they wanted to go camping up there one day. The conversation changed from camping to weekend plans when Ty asked what everyone was up to. Christian wasn't sure what he would be up to yet, he was just glad detention was over after today, and Monty agreed. Monty and I hadn't really talked since the time in the hallway after the run-in with Brock - but I was giving him much-needed space. He and Christian seemed to be on good terms, though. That's what mattered most. 

Drew invited everyone to go see a movie premiere for the Hunger Games, but I said Sylvia and I had a girl's night tonight and couldn't be bothered. The boys rolled their eyes, and Joey teased, "Ooooh, I love painting my nails and watching romantic movies like The Notebook." I teased back, "Hey, don't bash it 'til you try it! And actually . . . we are going to be having even more fun than that!" I batted by eyelashes and feigned a Valley Girl accent, "It's going to be totally fun!" Christian was not amused at our little exchange and kept stabbing at his fruit cocktail with his fork as little grapes rolled away each time.

Sylvia and I giggled at our secret outing, and the boys started talking about their drills at football practice and how brutal they would be today. 


I was over at Sylvia's house right after school with my parent's permission. Luckily I didn't have a shift at the coffee shop tonight and we could take our time getting ready and singing out loud to our favorite throwback songs. I belted out the lyrics to Battlefield by Jordin Sparks to Sylvia's amusement. I felt every word deep down in my soul. We looked through her closet as we half-sang the verses. "This one?" she asked, holding it up to the light. "Nah," I shook my head. "How about this one?" she asked, pairing a glittery skirt with a worn crop-top. "Not digging it," I said honestly, scrunching up my nose. "Should we go to the mall? We've got time." Sylvia agreed in a heartbeat.

We went straight to the mall and looked for some casual dresses and heels. "Is it worth dressing up for this?" Sylvia asked me as I searched through racks of dresses. "I don't know, " I said, "this is like, my first high school party." She sighed, "Yeah, me too. Who do you think will all be there? Is it gonna be a lot of drinking and stuff?" 

I pulled out a dress, avoiding her question. "Sylvia, you have to try this one on!" We were in the dressing rooms when I partially answered her question, "You know, I think it's gonna be a lot of people from Hawthorne mostly. It's like...on the other side of town."

I had picked out a cute light-grey dress and I got a denim jacket to match and wear over it. Sylvia found the cutest bootie heels in charcoal gray and a lacy white dress that cut-off at the knee. "I think we nailed it," I say as we leave the store.

We grabbed Subway for dinner and just listened to music in Sylvia's room some more and put on make-up. Sylvia was making faces at herself in the mirror as she applied another layer of mascara. I took a sip of cherry coke, and said "You're so pretty Sylvia, you know that?" She shook her head, "Thanks, but I'm average-looking, be honest." I shook my head vigorously in return, "No, Sylvia you're stunning. I mean it. Just take the compliment!" A smile formed on her lips, "Alright, sorry. I meant thank you."

I hardly recognized myself because I didn't normally do full-faced make-up and Sylvia had helped me straighten my hair like hers. It was really smooth and glossy-looking. "I need to get this straightener," I commented.

Sylvia was putting on hot pink lip-gloss and asked me, "So why didn't you invite Christian or the boys? Or even tell them about the party?"

I started to feel guilty as soon as she brought it up. "I think...part of me just wants to go to this party without Christian because .  . . I don't think Christian would come to this sort of party or really want me to go either. But I want to see what it's like this once."

She looked at me, "Yeah, you're probably right. But aren't you worried about Brock being there or something? It's terrifying how aggressive he got in the hall the other day, and that was at school," she pointed out. 

"No way. If Brock and his dudes end up being there I'm out." "Yeah, same. Let's stick together the whole time," Sylvia said. "Deal," I answer.

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