Chapter Two- Ellie

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         Ellie grew up in Red Wing, Minnesota. Her hometown bordered the Mississippi river at one of its most northern points. Ellie loved to take walks by the river to see the fish that swam by the banks, and to watch the reflections of the colorful trees in the water. Her favorite spot to go was the park. It was a quiet area that consisted of a sidewalk circling a wide field, surrounded by trees. On the farthest side of the park from the entrance, the sidewalk bordered the river. It was fairly shallow there, for it was really just a side creek that was broken of off the Mississippi. Ellie would occasionally walk down the small hill beside the sidewalk, to the river, to dip her feet in the water and play.

          One such day, Ellie had walked to the far side of the park to see the water, when a small yellow object floating in the stream caught her attention. She walked down the hill to collect the trash she was sure had been thrown from the bridge that crossed the river ahead. When she cupped her hands to carry the waste to the trash located on the left side of the path, she was surprised to see a rubber duck. As she turned the duck in her hands she saw a neatly-written note on the back of the rubber duck. She gathered up the duck and ran up the path, almost tripping on a small terrier, which was being held on a leash by an older lady. "Sorry!" she shouted as she continued down the path.

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