Chapter Eight- Ellie

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         As Ellie ran along the path, she heard a snap. "Ahhhhh,"she yelled, as the went crashing to the ground. She looked back to see her leg lying a few feet behind her. "Shoot!" she said as she gathered the duck into her arms, once again. She crawled/hopped her way back to her prosthetic leg.

          At age six, Ellie's car was T-boned by a drunk driver on the way to school. Ellie's leg was pinned by the crushed car, resulting in the need for a below the knee amputation. The drunk driver was sentenced to five years in prison. Ellie's mom, was put in critical condition by the crash, but later made a full recovery.

        Years of rehab have taught her how to move with only the keenest of eyes detecting the flaw. Its not that she's ashamed, she just wants to do what everyone else can without being judged.

           People started to stare as Ellie grabbed her leg and reviewed the damage. The foot had bent to an odd angle, causing her to trip, and the suction to release on the sleeve. She reattached the prosthetic to her leg and, with the help of a teenage girl, hopped her way to the parking lot, where she called her mom to come get her.

          After she had gotten home, her mom had called the specialist to order a new leg, with the same measurements. "Could you use a new sleeve, too?" her mom asked mid-call. "Sure," she replied, "Could they make a pink one this time?" Her mom repeated the specifications, including the cat patterned socket Ellie had grown to love.

          Meanwhile, Ellie would swing around on her crutches till the leg could be made.

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