IM SORRY (⁎⁍̴̆Ɛ⁍̴̆⁎)

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y'all im so sorry for not updating in a while I've been having horrible writers block !

to make up for it here's a thing about my oc's 

i'll continue love once i get ideas :(

alex kim ; age 20

a young man who lives on the coast of california

erryn lee ; age 20

a siren who admires alex

teddy ; age 18 

alex's younger sister

tay ; age 21

erryn's brother 

. . .


I peeked my eyes above the water and searched the serface for him . my eyes drifted around the gray , algae covered rocks until they settled on my target . 

the young , muscular and handsome alex kim . i smiled brightly and rested my head onto a small rock , smiling . " so pretty . . . " I whispered.

suddenly i felt a jolt across my scaly back . I turned around to notice my brother tay . " tay ! what was that for ! " I whisper - yelled . " you stare to much . " he said , giggling . " not funny ! " i yelled , a bit to loudly . 

" who's there ?" i froze when i heard a deep voice call out , tay jumping under water , swimming as fast as possible .

" who's there ! " he called again , now getting into the water .  I hid behind a larger rock , my gills taking in lots of water . 

lots of water sloushed around before it quietly stopped .

" i can hear you , y'know . " suddenly i jolted from behind the rock , screaming . I pushed my offender into the water . suddenly I relized who it was . 

" ow ! what the- oh my god . " alex started to yell before settling his soft blue eyes on my . " you're a ... you're a ... " he gasped , pointing at my scaley feature . " a ... a ... a siren ! " i gulped and put my head down , ready for the impact . " that's so cool ! i can't believe they exist ! " 

i looked back at him , my eyes wide . he felt my scaly shoulders and smiled . " so neat ... " he said in awe . " please stop that makes me uncomfortable ... " I whispered . he pulled back . " sorry . " he apologized . " what's your name ? " he asked " erryn . " I answered , blushing a bit . " i'm alex . " he half smiled and rubbed my shoulder .

 " alex ! " a female voice yelled . " coming teddy ! i gotta go erryn . " he started to wad away before i grabbed his shirt . " can you come back later tonight ? " i asked . " i'll try . " he said before running off . 

<that night>

i rest my head against the small rock , waiting to see alex's vibrant red hair peeked out from the gray rocks . i sighed . i had been waiting for almost a half an hour and he still hadn't showed up . inwas ready to leave when i heard footsteps on the sand . 

" alex ? " i whispered , wait to see him pop up from behind the rocks . he popped up from behind them and ran to the dock . " erryn ? is that you ? " he whispered . I perked my head up and smiled . he saf down and gestured foe me to come over . 

i swam towards him and looked at him . the moonlight shown on his face , making him seem prettier than ever . he held out his hand to me . " help me down please . "

 i got him into the water . suddenly he pulled of his white tshirt and threw it on the dock . i gulped , starring at his toned , musclar chest . he smirked and grabbed my waist , settling himself into the water . " i-i ... " i stammered out , gulping as he pushed us both out into the water , swimming towards the rocks i hide by . 

" alex ? " i whispered . he hid us behind them and held me against the larger rock , making my pale face a crimson shade . " sh .. " he whispered , rubbing my reddened cheeks . 

" what a-are you ... " i asked , but beofre i finished warm soft lips met my chapped cold ones . i gasped , but melted quickly into the soft kiss . he ran his hands up and down my back , feeling every inch of my scaly body . 

he pulled away and my gills gasped for water , making me shake due to the feeling . " i've had my eyes on you for so long , all i wanted to do was to kiss those pretty lips of yours . now my wish has finally come true . " he kissed me again , this time with more passion . 

soon the kiss turned into a heated make out as we started to get more touchy . i ran my hands all over his soft skin. he pulled and tugged my blonde hair , making me gasp . ( just like to say there's no smuts in here ; gotta keep it clean like jesus ) he pulled away and licked my lips softly , but full of passion.

" wow ... " i said , both of us gasping . he smiled and kissed cheeks before pulling us back over towards the dock. " we'll definitely be seeing eachother more often now . " he said , getting out of the water . " bye erryn . "

as soon as he disappeared , i cheered . " yes ! yes yes yes yes yes ! " i smiled looking up at the sun before disappearing under the black water of the ocean.


how'd everyone like that ? i hope this makes up for my absenteeism . i'll  continue love soon ! i just need brainstorming time :))

love y'all ♡


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