Chapter 3: Communism War

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"Which Visentini triplet are you? Sorry, I can't tell you apart yet," Radical said.

I blinked in surprise before I replied, "I'm Visentini Evan."

He handed me a bottle of sunscreen. "Can you hold onto this until I explain what the class will do?"

"Of course," I said.

I brushed past him and saw the desks had been rearranged. I stood in place until Yoshisada joined me a few seconds later. He held a water bottle and appeared as confused as I felt. I stared at the doorway and didn't realize I was zoning out until Tristan suddenly stabbed me with a pen.

"WHAT THE HELL, TRISTAN!?" I screamed.

"Dude shut the fuck up. You're not bleeding. I think."

I held my arm while Yoshisada backed away from Tristan. He held a blue pen with a highlighter tip at the top but closed it once he glanced Yoshisada's terrified face.

"Kawamori, right? I'm not gonna stab you. I only stab my brothers, sometimes friends too. Hey, remember the 1 time I stabbed John while he was wearing a hoodie and he bled?" Tristan grinned before he walked away to terrorize some other classmate.

"How do you live with him every day and not die?" Yoshisada asked.

"I ask myself that same question," I replied.

Once class officially started, Radical went to the front of the class and gave a quick lecture on private equity and venture capitals. I only paid attention to what venture capitals were. Suddenly, half the class was launched into the ropes of the marketing world. Everyone had been given a venture capital of $50,000 and we all had to market and sell whatever Radical gave us at the beginning of class.

"If you don't mind," I said, "I'm going to put my money with Yoshisada's."

Multiple people glanced from each other then to Radical. "Can they do that?" a girl with white hair that barely reached her shoulders asked.

Radical only smiled. "As long as they market and sell their products, anything goes."

Tristan yelled "YEET!" as he ran to Braydon and Merril. Meanwhile Zentaro Nishiyama (known as Nishiyama Zentaro if we get rid of my western upbringing) - I knew him as the Straight Dude - came to my partnership with Yoshisada. His product was a giant inflatable ball. I glanced at all our products to only frown. None of these items had any correlation with each other.

"These are beach items," Zentaro said.

"How did you figure that out?" I asked.

"Quirk allows me to pick out patterns in seconds. I-"

He was quickly cut off by a loud pop. I whipped around to see Tristan's team had a dude with black hair held a speaker. He smirked as he held the speaker above his head with 1 hand. In the other hand was his phone. Tristan yelled something and suddenly, the beginning notes of "Despacito" played. Braydon cringed while Tristan and the dude laughed like maniacs.

"Kinugasa Kaiji," a girl with pastel blue hair said. "He's always been... like this. Anyways, I would like to invest in the water bottle."

"Okay, but what's your name?" I asked.

"Oh, Uchibayashi Amane, but you can call me Uchi for short."

The rest of the class dragged on. It became a communism war as half of those who had products were on Tristan's team and the other half was on my team. The entire time, Tristan and Kaiji took turns to play meme music while Radical watched the entire thing go down. If he had popcorn, he definitely would've been eating it. In the end, my side had won the crowd aspect. However, in the end, Tristan and Kaiji were the top 2 sellers.

The 2 meme lovers held their breath in anticipation as Radical tallied up their sales. I had honestly thought Kaiji would win, but Tristan had gotten only 1 more sale than him. Tristan jumped up and down before he pointed at Braydon and bragged. Yoshisada and Zentaro glanced at me.

"I'm surprised Braydon hasn't killed Tristan yet," I said.

"Just like I'm surprised Higaki hasn't murdered me yet," Zentaro added.

"How about we stop talking about murders and put the desks back?" Yoshisada asked.

"Good point," I sighed.

Business Course ShenanigansOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora