Chapter 4: Gay Business Students? It's More Likely Than You Think

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The next day, Ivy burst through the door as she held a camera. I groaned while Tristan leaned over to Ryoma and whispered something to make him chuckle. I knew Tristan was gay for Ryoma, but it was weird as I was used to seeing Tristan flirt with 2 other friends.


"Is she usually like this?" Amane whispered to me.

"You should've seen her back when she was in high school," I whispered back. "She was a marching band kid who also did a theatre production once a while."

Tristan and Ryoma giggled which directed Ivy's attention to them. Ivy quickly reached into her pocket and threw a chicken nugget at Tristan. It hit his face but other than that, Tristan was utterly unfazed. Ivy sighed before she picked up the chicken nugget and ate it.

"Anyways, I have to make a vlog and what a better thing to vlog about than being a teacher!" Ivy said.

"Being dead," a girl with purple hair said.

Ivy ignored her and pointed the camera at the class. She held up 3 fingers and mouthed "1, 2, 3." The class awkwardly stared at the camera except for Kaiji who struck a pose.

"Plus ultra!" we said with very little enthusiasm.

Ivy brought the camera down. "Okay, what the fuck was that? At least fake the excitement, guys."

I hit my head on my desk at the same time as Tristan. We both knew too well from her old YouTube channel that she would make us do so many damn retakes if we didn't even try faking an emotion. I raised my head as Ivy started another countdown.

"PLUS ULTRA!" we screamed.

Ivy gave a thumbs-up before she turned the camera to face her and started her monologue. Kaiji got out of his seat to run behind her and t-pose. Tristan ran out of his seat and joined Kaiji, which formed the t-pose duo. Ivy turned around to face them and snorted.

"Okay, Evan and you, go back to your seats," she said.

"I'm Tristan," Tristan said as he went back to his seat.

"Whichever 1 you are, sit down!"

Kaiji, however, continued to t-pose. Nobody bothered to convince him to sit down. When Ivy moved to another part of the class, Kaiji finally sat down in his seat. Dutch continued as Ivy vlogged. Much to almost everyone's dismay, she had even put on a Dutch song and had everyone sing along for pronunciation practice.

I sighed with relief when Dutch was over. Despite being 21, Ivy still acted like a freshman. Classes continued without as much entertainment as Ivy brought. When Radical arrived about 2 minutes late to the economics class, he apologized. It was then we learned how he single-handedly taught all the 1st year Business Course classes with business stuff. He explained that 2nd and 3rd year teachers all divided and conquered the business subjects.

During lunch, Tristan went with Yuka and Meiko to get food while I went by myself to the sushi line. Braydon had gone ahead and claimed a table because he brought food from home due to his allergies. As I stood in line, a boy with blond hair tapped my shoulder.

"Excuse me, who are you?" I said.

"Aren't you from 1-Gay?" he asked.

"Who are you, and what are you talking about?"

"Takaezu Naruhisa. I'm from 1-K, and 1-J is known as 1-Gay. Rumors say everyone in there is, well, gay."

"Wow, thanks for that nickname," I said. "It's a reflection of my extremely gay soul."

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