Chapter 5: Of Screams and Dolls

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"Why are you screaming?"

Miu and Braydon looked at each other, Miu in pride and Braydon in confusion. Amane paused and looked up at us.

"Our money suddenly decreased with no cause," she said.

Braydon furiously scrolled through his laptop. "No, no, no..." he muttered. "Evan, did you upset any customers?"

"No!" I said.

Braydon ran his hand through his hair while he muttered under his breath. He abruptly closed his laptop and dashed to Miu's cubicle. I sighed as we went bankrupt. I turned to see Miu standing up while holding her laptop in the air. Braydon was shorter than her by an inch or 2, but it was enough for Miu to keep the laptop out of his reach. Braydon then swept his leg to hit the back of Miu's knees, she let go of the laptop from surprise, and she fell. Braydon snatched the laptop and opened it.

"What is this?" he said.

"Code. The program was made using javascript," Miu said.

"Did you hack to make my group go bankrupt?"

Miu cheekily grinned. "Hard to resist using your quirk now and then, hun."

Braydon handed Miu back her laptop as soon as she stood up. Yuka who was in a cubicle next to Miu's suddenly made a sound that was a mix between a screech and a dying cow. Miu quickly typed away, the code on her laptop disappeared, and she slammed her laptop closed.

"The most successful business is Akiho, Ikeda, Kinugasa, and Nakama's group who will get 5 points of extra credit!" Radical said.

"WHAT!?" the class said in unison.

"Don't worry, everyone will get chances for extra credit, especially right before the 2nd semester. Now, we have to head back to class so none of the other business teachers accuse me of hogging the simulation room," Radical said.

We all started to file back. Naomasa had a small smile while Meiko, Kaiji, and Dairoku spoke to their friends how they thought they were going to be eliminated before everyone else. Dairoku had meandered to Yoshisada and me before Yoshisada's phone went off.

"Er, Radical, is it okay if I stay in the hall to take this call?" Yoshisada asked.

"Of course, just don't smoke weed in the bathroom afterward."

The rest of 1-Gay followed Radical back to the classroom. Yoshisada never returned to class. Yuka had suggested she could fall asleep and use her quirk to find out if he had fallen asleep in the hall. Zentaro loudly proclaimed it was a stupid idea. Kaiji stood up from his seat and yelled at Zentaro to not be a prick.

During lunch, Yoshisada's empty spot at the table was filled in by Meiko's middle school friend, Eimi. She had tan skin, brown hair, and a dreamy yet attentive gaze. She also noticeably had her tie loose.

"So, how gay are we feeling today?" Tristan asked as he sat down with teriyaki chicken and steamed rice for his lunch.

"Pretty gay," Stan said. "But I can't match up to 1-Gay."

"Of course not. We're so fucking gay."

"Just look at everyone in our class," I said. "No straight person would start using communism when we're supposed to be using capitalism."

"Though I have no idea why you would want to use communism. Socialism is much better," Braydon said.

"Because the USSR anthem can kick your ass. I SHOULD ASK IVY TO PLAY THAT NEXT TIME SHE BRINGS HER TUBA!" Tristan said.

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⏰ Last updated: May 15, 2019 ⏰

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