Chapter 4

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Zale's wolf is named Sebastien.

As you have noticed, I switch POVs in the story. Some people find it confusing but I assure you it's not. Please keep reading till the end, you'll understand the story better.


Today's events played over and over again.

Zale's POV.

I kept pacing around my office and my wolf feels antsy due to the fact that our mate is not here with us.

Once a werewolf finds its mate, the mating bond is formed and the longer time you spend away from your mate, the more uncomfortable the werewolf becomes and eventually it can give in to it's animalistic side which won't be reversed until it is with its mate again.

A knock sounded on the door and I looked up knowing it's Barrett due to his scent.

"Come in" I growled out before sitting down.

Seconds later, he strolled in and closed the door behind him.

"Please try to calm Sebastien, the whole pack feels uneasy and restless." He tried to explain.

I growled loudly before standing up. "You can't expect him to be calm when our mate is far away from us. All he wants to do right now is to find her and claim her as his. I'm fucking trying to control him here." I said as I paced behind my chair.

I felt him move to stand behind me before he spoke out. "We all understand, we want our Luna. Now that you've found her whether she's human or not, the pack needs her but all I'm saying is for you to calm him down before he goes berserk. Besides, the cathedral isn't far from here you can go check on her, maybe it would calm him down."

I pondered over his statement and I began to form a plan in my head.

I smiled and turned to look at Barrett who gave me a questioning look at the change in my demeanor.

"Get in touch with the Ulrica family and let Michael know I won't be coming again. After that prepare a few wolves and Selena too for a special outing tonight." I explained with a smirk.

Barrett furrowed his eyebrows at me." Why the sudden change of plans and why do I need to prepare a few wolves for an outing?" He asked inquisitively.

I grinned at him before patting his shoulders. "Well we are going to pay a visit to a certain Luna."

He nodded and left the room leaving me to mull over my plan.

Zuri's POV.

I walked away from the main hall where we just concluded the evening mass towards the staff quarters.

I needed to see mother superior concerning my latest discovery. It seemed like she knew something when I explained what I saw at the park three days ago.

As I got closer to the quarters, I noticed a group of nuns gathered together looked up at me and I nodded at them. They nodded back and started whispering as they looked away from me. I wonder what's wrong with them.

I walked into the quarters and headed towards her room. Stopping in front of her door, I raised my hand to knock but stopped when I heard voices. I knew it was wrong to eavesdrop but I couldn't resist it. I put my ears against the door to listen to the conversation.

"She doesn't know yet does she?" I heard an unknown male voice ask.

" I don't think so but she said she saw a huge wolf. You don't think the time is near. " Mother superior's voice asked shakily.

" What do you mean by that?" The other voice inquired.

"There has never been sightings of wolves around this area for ages and all of a sudden one appears and goes right for her. Don't you think it has something to do with the prophecy." She replied.

" Well the prophecy said only a human mate would rid them of the curse placed upon their kind and unite them with their creator but having a human mate is nearly impossible. None has happened in centuries." The calm voice said as someone exhaled loudly.

"That's true. If the wolf had gone after her, she might be it's mate. We're lucky we placed a barrier up around the entire cathedral else it would have gotten in." Mother superior hissed.

" How did you do that." The other voiced asked curiously.

"Just some ancient prayers used to ward off unclean spirits and creatures that aren't human." She replied smugly.

"Hmmm, well all we have to do is put the girl under close supervision and make sure she doesn't leave our sight. We wouldn't want them knowing she's the one." The male voice ordered.

" I'll see to that. If what we said is true, the animal would go wild and we would have a chance against them." She said enthusiastically.

I gasped at what I just heard. So mother superior knows about everything that's going on and she set up the barrier.

Shocked, I ran out of the hallway and accidentally bumped into a stainless bowl on the floor which made a loud sound.

Scared, I ran into the nearest corner and hid as I heard someone call out.

"Who's there. Show yourself." Mother superior's voice rang out as I heard footsteps walk towards where I hid.

"Are you sure someone's there. It is quite empty here." The male voice spoke up.

" I know what I heard Luca, someone was here recently." She explained.

I peeked from where I hid just to see a dark haired man with black eyes and a huge scar on the side of his neck standing next to mother superior.

"Let's go, there's no one here. Stop being paranoid." He stated and turned to leave. Mother superior looked around for a moment before sighing and turned to leave too.

I waited for a while before getting out of my hiding place and ran quietly out of the quarters. I avoided everyone as I quietly went to my room.

I closed my door and leaned against it as I heaved loudly. Holy mother, please help me!

I walked towards my bed without turning on the light in my room, and sat on it. I noticed the window I closed earlier before leaving was opened. That's weird.

I stood up and walked towards it. Just as I stretched out a hand to close it, I felt a cold and firm hand on my neck. Immediately, I stilled.

"Well well well mate, we meet again." A familiar husky voice breathed out.

That was the last thing I heard before I felt a pressure on my neck and everything turned black.


So I'm sure you guys must have noticed that I put this book on hold.

Yes I'm not going to update in a while. I'm focusing on completing my other story. The bad boy's nerd which I'm sure you'll love. Please do check it out.

This doesn't mean I'm going to stop writing. No, I'll just post chapters randomly.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter.

Don't forget to vote, comment, follow and share.

Happy new year everyone!!!

The Alpha and the Nunحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن