Chapter 9

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A couple of days have passed since (Y/N) teached Erza, Natsu, and Gray how to dash and evade. The members of the strongest team walked down a path leading to the guild.

Closing his eyes (Y/N) started to hum a song he used to sing as a lullaby for his children hundreds years ago.

"What are you humming (Y/N)?" Lucy asked when she noticed the humming sound.

Opening one eye he answered, "Hm? It's a song I used to sing many years ago. Children sometimes came to me to ask me to sing for them."

While (Y/N) was chatting with Lucy, The others started bickering with each other, well Erza tried to separate the other two.

Peering his head, (Y/N) can hear the whispers from the nearby pedestrians

"It's the mages of Fairy Tail..."

"I guess they aren't aware of that..."

"Poor souls..."

"We're attracting an unusual amount of attention here." Natsu commented.

"Somehow, I got a bad feeling about this." Happy agrees with him.

"Yeah, me too." (Y/N) nodded, "Looks like they were frightened about something..."

Suddenly Erza's gasped in surprise, grabbing the attention of the others to the structure a block away from them.

A building was pierced by multiple giant iron rod. Making it looks like it would fall down any time.

(Y/N): "Is that... Our guild..."

As soon as he said that, Natsu started to run ahead followed closely by Gray, Lucy then Erza. (Y/N) used telekinesis to lift up Erza's baggage, which she left behind.


"WHO...!!!?" Natsu gritted his teeth.

Gray frowned, Lucy covered her mouth, and Erza showed a shocked face.

The guild is broken. With the rods everywhere, and Fairy Tail sign wrre cut in half on the floor.

(Y/N)'s eyes were covered by his hair with a deep scowl on his face. His fingers twitched wanting to pull the sword on his back and just...

Kill whoever responsible for this.

"What happened here?" Erza asked to no one.


They turned to the source and found Mira standing behind them with a sad expression."

"It's mortifying... But we were done in." She said.

"Just... just... let's head inside first." (Y/N) tried to calm down first before walking inside into the building.

"You guys head down first. I have something to do." Without waiting for a reply (Y/N) went to the library.

The door was trashed with the inside of the room. Fortunately, some of the bookshelf didn't get hit.

He searched for a specific book, "Let see... L...Little...Little Child...Little Child of the Forest..."

"Ah... Here it is." He took the book.

Little Child of the Forest is a book with the story of an adventure of a child with his pet wolf inside a never ending forest. It's an adventure, Fantasy themed book.

At the wall behind where the book was placed was a little hidden compartment and inside it, is a small box.

After putting the box into his pocket dimension, he went to the basement. Only to see Natsu and Master bickering.

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