Chapter 1

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Your POV:

   The ship floated overhead planet Newzela. There I was, staring out from the small window us prisoners get, at the blueish purple color it was. Never had I saw the ship go past a purple planet, not even a multi-color one. I was so fantasized by the planet, I didn't realize the rest of my group was talking. "Shut it. Your waking the other prisoners up." I look back to see a Galra Soldier walking past our cell.

   I sighed as he passed us. "I can't wait till we get our chance to break out of this hell." I say to Noah. He nods his head in agreement. We've been planing to escape ever sense He got put in here. Noah and I aren't aliens, we're humans. I was picked up on planet Balmera, while Noah was picked up on planet Noxzema. 

   "I just can't wait for our alien food goo. It gets more delicious every time!" Noah says in excitement. "That's probably just more food poisoning going into your goo." I quickly replied. I hear Noah sigh from the jail door, waiting impatiently.

   We waited till everyone in our group fell asleep. Noah and I had planned it out perfectly, he was going to pretend to sleep while I got one of the guards attention. I planned on just trying to trash talk him, till he opened the cage. That's when Noah and I would try and attack him. Some of the reason why we'd fight each other was to get stronger.

   So once the first guard walked by, I knew the next one was the weak one. "Noah, sleep" I said simply. He understood so he just laid down on the floor, while I looked for the guard. I put my hands outside of the bars that kept the prisoners locked in.

   Once I saw he was walking up, I began talking to myself out loud. "Stupid race of aliens." I simply said to get his attention. He walked closer to me, "What'd you say?" He looked at me with a blank stare. "I said your stupid alien race was stupid. idiot." I knew they don't like their "race" being trashed talked, from an old prisoner. The prisoner who is probably dead, or being used for Galra pleasure, trash talked the guards who passed to do the exact thing Noah and I were doing. To escape.

   "You're human race happens to be stupid as well!" He replied getting angry fast. I smiled at his reaction. "As if. At least we know how to run a good civilization! And us humans-" I was cut off by him using his hand to open the door. As if on cue, Noah jumped up and we were ready to beat the shit outta him.

   Once the door fully opened, we basically jumped on him. Noah basically did all the "dirty work" as I had to tie him up. So he was basically was trying to knock him out while I got the rope out of the crates nearby the door. "(y/n) watch out!" I turned around and ducked at the Galra's hand thrown at me. I stood up and punched him in the face, making him stumble a little. Noah then found his chance to pin the solider down.

   I tossed him the rope and he tied the man up. I grabbed his sword at the hem of this pants, and Noah grabbed his gun. We sprinted down the hallways, watching for other Galra. Just as we walked down another hallway, an alarm went off. There was either someone trying to invade the ship, or they found out we had escaped. As I thought about it, the intercom came on the speakers. "Galra get in your ships, I repeat get in your ships!"

   "So I assume someone's trying to get in?" Noah asked. I shook my head and made my way to the end of the hallway. "Yes, but we have to be careful. The map I got shows we could be in the way of where the ships are held." And that's where Noah LOST it. I'm guessing he's laughing at how I got the map. "Stop... your making me embarrassed." I said, blushing at the unthinkable past I had done to get it.

   After he got over his laughing, we continued on. As we turned a corner, my statement before was true. Their were Galra sprinting towards us, probably because that was the way to the ships. "SHIT!" I yelled at Noah. He shook his head, and got ready to shoot his gun at them. They didn't realize we were here till Noah pulled out his gun.

   Just before I knew it, they were all firing at us. I tried my hardest to get close without getting hit, but it failed. Our only type of protection was Noah's gun that he stole from the solider we tied up earlier. "This is so difficult! I can't get close to them." I told Noah. He just shook his head so I knew he was listening, also trying to concentrate on hitting the Galra in front of us.

   Noah finally hit some of them, but it wasn't enough. I decided I should take action so I ran up to them with the sword and tried attacking them. Lets just say I knocked some down, but others I just put a scratch on them. Was a little affective to me, not to Noah apparently. "You barely helped!" I sighed, still avoiding the bullets as hard as I could. "I'm sorry, but I really don't wanna be killed tonight!" I replied right before a pain in my leg. I all most screamed at the pain but bit my hand to not distract Noah.

   I fell to the ground and inspected my right leg. Blood, blood gushing out of it. One of the soldiers had hit me, and it was VERY affective. Lets just say I was crying because of how much it hurt, and I naturally don't cry from pain. Something you have to learn while your a prisoner for the Galra.

   "Why are you just sitting ther-" Noah looked down to see me balling my eyes out, and blood coming from the bullet wound. And let's just say, that pissed  him off. He basically took all of them down, just from me being hurt. Once he did that, he ran to me. "(y/n) are you okay?!" I started laughing and he got confused. "Yes, my legs JUST FINE!" I said sarcastically.

   He ripped off a piece of his long sleeved shirt and tied it above the wound to stop the blood flow. I constantly said a bunch of "ow's" and tears fell, but I was alright. But we needed to get help soon from someone, or it wouldn't end good.

   Noah picked me up bridal style and carried me down the hallways. We turned a corner and he stopped, which startled me. I looked in front of us, and there were two men there. Once had black and white armor, as the other one had red and white armor on. "Are they part of Galra?" I questioned Noah, tears still running down my face.

   He looked back at the two men and looked back at me. "I don't think so..." He inspected them once again and smiled. "Are you guys part of some rescuing group or something?" I looked at both of them waiting for a response. "Sort of. Our group is called Voltron, and we're trying to save the universe from Zarkon." The one in white said.

   "Do we trust them?" I whispered to Noah. He just shrugged and smiled. "I think we should." He whispered back. The he said to them, "Would you happen to have someone or something to heal her leg with?" I bit my thumb hopping they would say yes. The red one seemed to be angrily whispering to the white one, and looking at me. I felt very uncomfortable being the only one being looked at.

   "Yes." The one in red said while crossing his arms. The one in white smiled at us, "My names Shiro, and his is Keith. Keith will be transferring you to the castle, so you can be healed by a healing pod." This Keith person looked super angry about transferring us, and it not being Shiro. I had to silently laugh at his behavior.





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