Chapter 1 - Request From The Dark Lord

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Draco's Point of View

With a casual flick of my wand, I had finished packing for yet another year at Hogwarts.

This was my last and final year.

Nothing was more important than my NEWTs coming up.

I would have to beat that filthy mudblood Granger.

If I had had it my way, I would be at home serving the Dark Lord but he instructed me that my education was more important.

Inside of me, I was bursting to shout at him and tell him that he hadn't finished his proper education but I knew better.

This was the powerful Dark Lord we were talking about here.

He could kill in a blink of an eye.

I was carried away in my thoughts when suddenly, my arm started burning as I screamed in agony.

The Dark Lord had called me again.

The instant that my hand touched the dark mark, I was thrown into compressed darkness.

Once I had composed myself, I walked into the meeting, all pairs of eyes watching me as I took my seat next to the Dark Lord.

As I was the youngest, he favoured me to do his biddings.

Most people wouldn't expect a teenager serving the Dark Lord's commands.

"Draco, how nice of you to join us," said Voldemort.

His beady eyes tore into my body, almost peircing through my brain, looking through to find something - but what?

"Take a seat," he said, almost as a command.

I obediently sat down. Here we are again, I thought.

Who were we going to murder next?

To my surprise, the subject was me!

"I think that it is time for you to find your other half," instructed Voldemort, directing the question to me, "Go now, you will miss the Hogwarts train, not that that would be a problem, but you can't be seen doing anything suspicious."

With that, we hopped into my Father's car, to blend into the muggle world.

Hello everybody, please comment on my story. This is my first story but I would appreciate some feedback so I know if this is good or bad. Thanks! I hope you like my story! I will upload some more soon. Please vote, comment, add to library and maybe a fan? I really appreciate it! ;P <3 xoxo Thanks!

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