Chapter 5 - Unknown Destination

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I didn't have anytime to even prepare myself to tell her my answer before she dragged me to an unknown destination.

Anyway, it didn't matter to me, I was as happy as any boy could be!

She abruptly stopped and ripped her hand out of mine. She turned away without another glance.

What was this girl playing at? One minute, she was head-over heels for me, and now she just dumps me to stare at her as she turns around the bend?

Inside boiled inside of me, but it didn't last long. I breathed in deeply, and exhaled loudly before I walked around the corner.

The anger immediatly drained out of me, as I saw the scene unravel in front of me.

How could I have been so stupid? I should've know all along.

This shows just how unorganised my life is.

It turned out to be Potions class with the Slytherin and Griffindor together. I walked in just as the bell rang.

"Sit down Malfoy," ordered Professor Slughorn, "Five points off Slytherin!"

I sat down with a huge sneer plastered across my face, when I was given a "death" glare from Hermione. That wiped my expression off my face, into one of sincere apology.

The rest of the lesson was ABSOLUTELY boring!


Who wants potions, why couldn't we just learn Defence Against The Dark Arts? It is much more interesting and more worth while.

Everything seemed just fine as always (more like as boring as always), when Professor Slughorn came up to me after class and said, "Another 5 points off Slytherin for bullying other students!"

"What??????" I yelled, "I didn't bully anyone else! What are you talking about?"

"DETENTION!!!!!!!!!!!" roared Professer Slughorn.


I was fuming right now.

"That's, for talking back to your teacher!" he shouted.

I couldn't take it any longer.

Out came my wand, and I shouted "STUPEFY!"

Professor Slughorn slumped, unconscious to the ground.

I looked down at my hands, holding my wand.

Instantaneuosly, I ran, heading for an unkown destination.

What have I done?

Hey guys, sorry for the long wait! I know, yes , I should update more regularly, but I don't have much time so I will try to update as soon as possible! Please vote, comment, add to library and maybe fan? Thanks! ;P <3

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