chapter one

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above is Luke's home, with the living room, the back door, Lily's room and Luke's room

please enjoy the first chapter, Lily is a very energetic and loud babygirl who loves her dad but also likes to talk back to everyone and then there's Luke who adores her and the ground she walks on bc she's his lil Lil

and this is how I imagine lily, exactly like her dad

and this is how I imagine lily, exactly like her dad

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The day before tour was always a bit chaotic, even before Luke had a daughter. Before, Luke had to get himself ready and then to the airport but now, he had to get Lily ready too. Luke has always thought he'd be a crappy dad, that he'd never be ready and being thrown in the deep end at the age of eighteen, however he realised being a dad was the best thing that had happened to him.

"Lily," Luke said, holding up her beige coat, "you need your coat too, it'll be cold in some places."

"Fine." Lily said, climbing on to her bed and standing up.

Luke packed the coat, grabbing her hat, scarves and gloves too, he knew Lily would end up wearing his t-shirts anyway, she did it every single day after a long day, even when his shirt was sweaty and stinky after a concert. It was going to be Lily's second tour with Luke, she's already joined him on the Sounds Live Feels Live Tour, and Luke had brought Lily along on the small tour for Want You Back, But now that the album was out, they were doing big arenas, (and some smaller venues) again, and Lily loved coming on tour.

Lily sat on the bed patiently as Luke packed her suitcase, he then grabbed her small bag which was in the shape of a Koala, with little ears on it. Luke put in Lily's inhaler, an epi pen for her nut allergy, a pair of sunglasses, her game boy, sun cream, her hat and charger for her game boy.

Luke finally zipped up her bags and smiled, "alright, you're all done baby girl, time to pack my bag, you gonna come help me?" Luke asked Lily

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Luke finally zipped up her bags and smiled, "alright, you're all done baby girl, time to pack my bag, you gonna come help me?" Luke asked Lily.

Lily grinned, "I'll help." She took Luke's out stretched hand and they walked down the hallway to Luke's bedroom. Inside the room, Luke's suitcase was already open with clothes all over the bed. Luke picked up lily and put her on the bed, "can you pack me in the case?" She asked, already climbing in to it and sitting in a ball.

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