chapter three

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This took me forever sigh

I have a new book, called Lightyears, Luke is obsessed with space and Reece is obsessed with him and it's super cute and fluffy and soft

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When arriving in Germany, Lily was fast asleep. Luke undid her seatbelt, then pulled her in to his lap, "Hey Reece can you grab mine and Lily's bags?" He asked Reece who stood up.

"Sure." Reece opened up the storage, taking out the bags. Luke stood up, and put his bag over his shoulder as Lily lay her head on his other. Reece held on to Lily's koala bag, the two were let off first behind the tour manager, being lead to meet some of the staff of the airport. The band went through the airport privately, taking corridors that normally people couldn't go down, ending up in a private security.

As a staff member went through Luke's bag, he felt Lily stir against his shoulder, "dad?" She said groggily, her tiny hand tightening on his shirt.

"Hey baby cakes." Luke smiled down at her, "you slept for a long time thought you'd died." He joked, he always said something about how long she slept, usually joking about comas and her dying, his mum hated that he did it.

Lily giggled softly, she sat up and looked around, "where is Reece?"

"He's already over there, waiting for us." Luke said, pointing at Reece, who'd sorted out Lily's bag and medicines that had been scanned. "Already did your bag for you babygirl."

"Aw." She said, resting her head again. "Where are we?" She asked, noticing through some windows that it was dark.

"We're in Germany baby, we're gonna head to the hotel and tomorrow we have our first show." Luke said, before the security guard asked about the medication in his bag, "it's her extra epi pen and inhaler, then hayfever tablets." Luke told the man, "and uh I think just pain medication, there's also tablets because she has an iron deficiency too." Luke said, "it's all in the papers my manager has." He added.

The guy nodded, "you can go through the scanner." He said.

Luke steppes through the scanner with Lily in his arms, they got out the other side and Reece gave him a smile, "want me to get your bag?" Reece asked.

"Thank you."

Reece grabbed the bag, putting away the meds and his laptop and phone and keys. Luke watched as Reece swung it over his shoulder, "you don't have to—"

"Too bad Luke, you're carrying enough." Reece smiled, watching as Lily giggled at him. "Your manager said to wait by the seats."

Twenty minutes later, after everyone had been through security they left the airport and got in the cars to drive to the hotel. In the car, Lily moved in to Calum's lap, where she promptly fell against his thighs and fell asleep. Calum smiled happily, playing with her hair, Luke's kid made him want kids desperately one day, they all did.

Once at the hotel, Calum carried Lily to Luke's room, where he lay her in the centre of the big bed. "Good luck man." Calum said, patting Luke's shoulder.

"I'll need it." Luke said, because Lily had slept so long on the plane, she would be up soon, in the middle of the night, causing havoc for himself when all he wanted was to sleep. Calum left the room to go to his own, so Luke took the chance to grab a shower while his daughter slept. He grabbed clean clothes and a towel from the wardrobe and hopped in to the shower.

Five minutes in to it, there was a knock at the door, "Lily? What's up?" Luke asked, pulling the curtain back so he could look at the door as it opened. Lily peaked in, "What's up baby?"

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