chapter two

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Hi pls comment through out and vote and merry Christmas to everyone just in case I don't update by Tuesday

Luke's so cute and fluffy and soft I love him


The day that tour started, Luke got up early at seven o'clock, they had to leave by ten and even three hours to get Lily ready was cutting it close. Luke got her up and she happily did, having been too excited for tour, it was like Christmas Day to her (she'd get up at six am on Christmas, Luke had been exhausted after spending the night before wrapping her presents.). Luke put Lily in the bath, while he got her clothes for the day out and ready, making sure the passports and everything was in his carry on bag.

Lily yelled for Luke, making him enter the bathroom again, "you done cupcake?" He asked.

Lily nodded, she stood up and put her arms out, so Luke grabbed the towel and wrapped it around her and picked her up. He carried her to her room and sat her down, he dried her and clothed her, slipping on her cute little pink bunny slippers for the flight ahead of them. Once she was dressed, they went downstairs and he made her some cereal with some orange juice in her plastic sippy cup, Luke had to remember to shove that in his carry on too. As she ate, Luke gave Petunia some food and gathered all of the dogs stuff ready for Sierra to take that afternoon when she came to get Petunia. Luke went back to Lily and grabbed two bobbles for her hair, "you gonna let me do your hair?"

"Can I have braids?" She asked.

Luke hummed and stood behind her at the counter, he brushed her hair which was still damp and parted it evenly down the middle. He'd watched tonnes of YouTube videos for Lily's hair, ex girlfriends had even taught him how to do it, Sierra gave him tips and tricks and new hair styles that he knew Lily would like. Luke set her hair in two parts and braided each part, tying them off at the end. He kissed her head when he finished, "all done baby girl."

"Thanks dad." She smiled, then she handed Luke her empty bowl.

"Good girl." Luke washed the bowl and sippy cup, he packed it away in his bag before he heard the doorbell go. He was right by the door so he opened it, seeing Michael and Crystal, he let them in and crystal found Lily and scooped her up happily. "Aunt Crystal!" Lily yelled, hugging her tightly.

Luke said hello to Michael and they put the bags in the SUV. The driver said they had ten minutes till they had to leave so Luke packed his guitar in the car and went back inside. Lily grabbed her bag and put it on her back and looked up at her dad with a grin, then back down to Luke's bare feet. "Where are your shoes?" She asked, "we have to leave soon dad."

Luke huffed and put on his shoes and grabbed his leather jacket, he grabbed Lily's hand, "say goodbye to Petunia, Aunt Sierra is gonna pick her up later."

Lily ran to Petunia and hugged her tightly, Luke smiled and pulled his phone from the pocket and took a quick snap of it. Lily set a kiss to petunia's head and smiled, letting her go, "bye piggy, see you soon."

Lily stood and went back to her dad, "you have everything?" He asked Lily.

Lily nodded, "Yep, do you have my extra inhaler?"

"I do." Luke smiled, he picked her up then, and they all left the house. Luke said goodbye to Petunia who sat in the doorway and watched the door close, Luke locked the house and handed Lily the keys to hold. They got in the car and Lily moved over to Crystals lap. They put on their seat belts and started the drive to the airport, Calum and Ashton were in a different car as they didn't have people coming along on tour with them.

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