Christmas Special 2018

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A/N: Hey guys been awhile right. Anyway hope you guys like this Christmas Special I worked on. Took me forever to do this. Video and music doesn't belong to me. Credit to the respectful owner you will be told when to play the vid. Of course you don't have to if you don't want to. Ok I've talked to much... let's get into the special shall we?
3rd Person POV

It was morning at the Slender Mansion, Christmas morning to be exact. Everyone was sleeping peacefully in their rooms until a little girl named Sally yelling, "Wake up everyone it's Christmas day!" very loudly. Groaning can be heard throughout the mansion. As most pastas got dressed and went downstairs making a lot of noise, waking up two people.

Jeff POV

I was woken up by commotion downstairs, wondering what it was as I sat up on my bed. Once I got off my bed, I then realized that it was Christmas day. I quickly got dressed and put my scarf on knowing that it was cold. I opened the door to look down the hall to see Masky doing the the same thing. We both looked at each other and walked out of our rooms. As we were walking down the hall to the stairs we were talking.

We walked downstairs to the dining room to see everyone talking with excitement written on their faces. "Ah, Jeff and Masky you woke up now let's start eating." Slenderman said walking to us. As everyone went to go sit down me and Masky decided to take our time to go and sit down. I sat next the LJ and Masky sat next to Hoodie, we were in between them.

        After breakfast we gathered around the Christmas tree. As we gathered around the tree we started opening presents. I opened my present from Masky, as I found in the box was a new hoodie, but something else was in the box, it was a friendship bracelet. I looked at Masky as I see him smiling holding up the other piece and looked down at his present from me opening it.

        As he opened it a state of shock grew on Masky's face. It was his very own laptop, I knew he wanted one. Masky looked at me as I smiled mouthing to words 'I knew you wanted one'. He smiled at me mouthing the words 'Thank you', opening the laptop right away. I noticed a present in front of me, so I picked it up and it said,
From: LJ
I opened up the present and found a star necklace, as I looked at LJ to see him smirking at me. I looked back at the necklace and a faint blush grew on my face. I noticed Masky had the same thing except it was a moon and from Hoodie.

I looked out the window to see snow drizzling down. I smiled as I remembered a place in the woods I should go to. It was a beautiful sight to behold I wonder what it looked like in this weather. I get up from the ground and told Slenderman I would be out. He nodded and I walked through the door.

I was walking through the woods admiring the weather and nature. I was looking at the greenery as the snow was falling on the leaves making it look pretty. I took a right and saw a clearing and that was the place. I went to the clearing and saw there was a lake and a ledge at the end with a small waterfall pouring into the lake. I sat down in front of it and remembered a song and wanted to sing it unaware someone followed me.


When I saw Jeff leave the mansion, wondering where he was going I decided to... follow him secretly. Little did I know Masky was planning something. I saw Jeff walking through the woods. He was looking around the woods probably admiring it and the weather. It was so cute how he was looking at the woods, with curiosity I believe. I saw him take a right turn as I followed and what I saw was so beautiful. It was a clearing with a lake and a ledge with a waterfall pouring down.

I saw Jeff sit down in front of the lake as he was in thought of something. I wonder what it was, until I heard him, singing?

Jeff POV

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