Big news

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Jungkook and Tae told us the news and I was really happy but sad bc I haven't told Jimin my secret I've been hiding from him.
A few minutes after celebrating they leave our room I start to feel cramps and weird feelings lately in my stomach.
I ran out of the bedroom to the bathroom and threw up. Jimin came after me. I rubbed my back and I felt comforted.
I didn't feel as bad but I was craving something sour right now since I hadn't had anything sour since like 2 years ago when jungkook was getting bullied at school for not having parents and only having a older sister. I couldn't remember why I stopped eating sour stuff then but I did.

When Jimin went to work as a doctor I went to a store that sold pregnancy test. I was so scared so I ask Jennie to come with me.
We went in and got the stick, payed for it, went home to my house, and we took the test. A few minutes later I ask Jennie what two lines means. She then widened her eyes and her jaw dropped. She hugged me and told me I was pregnant and I should call Jimin. I said no bc I didn't want to disturb Jimin at work.
I sat on my bed and called jungkook and Tae in here.
" jungkook please don't kill Jimin for doing this to me...I'm p..preg..nant"
I stuttered this bc I was scared what he would say.
" what yin"
Jungkook why do u have to ask what!
" I'm pregnant"
I was so happy to get it off my chest. I hugged jungkook really tight.
"I don't know how long I've been pregnant."
"Should I go to the hospital and see?"
"Of course!" Jungkook looked so excited. I said "of course the loudest out of all of them.
(Magic time skip)
We arrived at the hospital and they take me in a room and out of no where Jimin rushed in.
"Yin what's wrong why r u here!"
I start to tear up and he runs up to me and hugged me then kissed my stomach. I was so happy then I felt a kick in my stomach then I let out a tear or two.
He felt the kick too. He saw me crying and wiped the tears away from my eyes.
"Jimin can u run test on me to see how long I've been pregnant."
"Sure yin!"
(Another magical time skip)
I few minutes later he came back with the results.
" yin...u have been pregnant for 4 months."
I hear jimins voice is shocked. I was so shook. I started crying tears of joy.
"Yin as a doctor may I ask some personal questions and would like to have family exist the room."
I know he says that a lot so he's memorized it by now.
"How is ur period doing."
I'm shocked as I haven't had it in a wile.
"I haven't had it in a wile."
He smiles as he could see my stomach was a little big. He rubbed my stomach and kissed it this time the baby in my stomach calmed down.

I was so happy and so was he. We smiled as he told me I could go home now from the hospital.

A few married couplesTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang