Chapter 5

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"Winter... I can't breathe." Weiss said while her sister bear hugged her. "oh my bad." Winter yelped as she stopped hugging Weiss. Weiss inspected her older sister's attire. "Your outfit is so risqué..." Weiss said completely mortified. "What do you mean?" Winter said inspecting her own outfit. "Your cleavage is showing!" Weiss said. "No, I really don't know what that word means, and stop drawing intention to it." Winter said lightly punching Weiss in the shoulder.

"Oh excuse me, sorry, pardon me." Said a girl's voice, she came through quickly, her eyes were the green of a Jade, and her hair was a deep perfect crimson in a pony tail, she wore a navy-blue hoodie with a Pumpkin Pete icon, and carried a sword and shield on her belt line.

She fell over in front of Weiss' feet and threw up on them. "Eww... Pyrrha!" Weiss shouted agitated. Inside her head though, Weiss was racked with emotions, she wanted to hug Pyrrha right there and be grateful she was alive... Then Pyrrha threw up on her feet again. "Gross!" Weiss shouted.

Weiss bent down and helped Pyrrha up. "Are you okay?" Weiss asked. "Yeah, I just get really motion sick sometimes." Pyrrha said. "I'm Weiss Schnee." Weiss said to her. "I'm Pyrrha Nikos." Pyrrha replied. Pyrrha dusted herself off and bent down to clean up her vomit. "I'm so sorry for puking on your shoes Pyrrha said. "It's Okay." Weiss said.


The Airship had landed and students were departing it and retrieving their baggage, Weiss carried her luggage around beside Winter. "What's up sis? By now you should be fawning over all the weapons here, like that scythe." Winter said. "Scythe?" Weiss questioned as she bumped into Ruby and fell down. Ruby turned to face her. "Do you mind, I'm trying to transport my supply of dust you country swine." Ruby said glaring down at Weiss. Ruby turned back to her young butler who was a skinny black-haired teenage boy who was tall and wore small glasses, he was wearing a fashionably white tuxedo and by his ears, he was obviously a dog faunus. Ruby swiftly smacked the butler across the face. "Did I give you permission to stop?" Ruby asked narrowing her silver eyes to him. "No mistress... I apologize." He said. The Faunus Boy continued to push the cart slowly along. "FASTER ZWEI!" Ruby demanded, kicking the back of his leg with her iron laced boot, causing a whimper.

The students of Beacon spent the night in the great hall, Weiss fell asleep crying, rowdy hyperactive boy named Ren had fallen asleep with a shy girl named Nora, A faunus girl named Ilia was reading a book under a candelabra, Winter was checking out the boys in pajamas. Everybody had eventually fallen asleep. All except for Ruby Rose.

Ruby wandered the great hall, completely unable to sleep. Ruby looked at Ilia who had fallen asleep with a book on her face. Ruby turned to Ren and Nora, Nora was cuddling cutely on Ren. Ruby turned to Weiss who had tears on her cheeks. Ruby stepped closer to Weiss, suddenly Ruby grabbed her head in pain, her eyes glowed when Weiss breathed softly. Ruby heard voices in her head, they screamed and shouted at her, Ruby held her head and started freaking out. The voices spoke to her. "HELP ME! I'M BURIED UNDERGROUND! I'M GOING TO DIE!!! HELP ME!!!" said the first voice, it sounded like a young girl. "YOU WILL BELONG TO ME DO YOU UNDERSTAND?!! I WILL FIND YOU! I WILL KILL YOU! Said the Second Voice to the first. Ruby decided to make herself known to the voices.

"Hello?" Ruby asked. "WHO ARE YOU?!" The first vouce asked hysterically. However the second voice cut in suddenly. "Hello, who am I speaking to?" asked the second voice, silencing the first. "My name is Ruby Rose." Ruby responded.

"Hello Ruby Rose, My name is CINDER FALL."

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