Chapter 9

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Ruby sat in her bed, staring at the ceiling. "Ruby?" Weiss asked concerned. "I'm scared." Ruby replied. "It's okay Ruby, Cinder is really... really scary. And I'm scared for you, I almost died facing her once and the thought of losing you is... terrifying." Weiss said. "I'm not even your Ruby." Ruby said. "You're Ruby, that's all that matters." Weiss said. Ruby blushed cherry red from each cheek over her nose. "Get on the bed." Ruby said. "Umm Why?" Weiss asked. "I want you to sleep with me." Ruby said like a happy songbird. "Ruby, I don't think we should, I'm pretty sure it's against the rules anyway, plus neither of us are ready." Weiss began hysterically. "Not sex Weiss, sleep, literally. I want you to be by my side tonight." Ruby said.

"Oh, all right." Weiss said climbing up to the bunk bed. "If something goes wrong and something happens, I'd at least like to have one last happy memory." Ruby said. This comment made Weiss begin to cry, so she wrapped her arms around Ruby from her back, Weiss held her tight. "I don't care if you're more powerful than me, I'll protect you." Weiss said. Ruby teared up too and they fell asleep like that. Together.

"So, this Ruby Rose, oh is she busy? Ms. Rose you're on live television!" Boomed Lisa Lavender reporter and news anchor. Ruby and Weiss woke up from their peaceful sleep in bed to find a news crew in their room. "What THE FUCK!" Ruby screamed. "Ruby Rose you are a finalist in the Vital Festival Tournament, how do you feel about that? Also, why are you in bed with Weiss Schnee, are you, the heiress to the Rose Dust Company in a gay relationship with your team mate? "I feel determined to win, I was in bed with Weiss Schnee because she rocked my fuckin' world and you can tell my father that, and yes I am in a gay relationship with her, Now get that mic out of my face BEFORE I ROCK YOUR WORLD WITH YOUR CAMERA!!!" Ruby screamed. Lisa and her team were stunned. "GET OUT OF MY FUCKING ROOM!" Ruby screamed. Lisa and her team ran out quickly trying to get away from Ruby.

"I love you, you know that?" Weiss asked. "I love you too snowflake." Ruby said.

Ruby walked toward the stadium wearing a new attire, her shirt was inky black with white over her breasts and abs mimicking a grim, 3 purple spikes protruded from the back of her forearms on each side, she wore a red long coat over her shirt, it was colored like blood and was connected by a rose petal chain, her pants were pitch black and skin tight leather, her belt buckle was her golden rose symbol, her hair was cut to the normal short length.

Ruby walked out of the end of the hall facing her opponent from the other side of the arena, Cinder Fall stared back menacingly. Ruby kept her stern proud face. She and Cinder walked onto the stadium, their movements, a perfect mirror to each other. They walked forward reaching the middle at the exact same time. "Glad to see you didn't run away." Cinder said. "You shouldn't be, It would've been sparing a life." Ruby retorted coldly.

"3... 2... 1... BEGIN!" Port said. Ruby jumped high and in the air over Cinder, Ruby burst into rose petals and went off like a firework in the sky, the thousands of shrouded rose petals made it very hard to see anything two feet in front of yourself.

Ruby sped up and quickly slashed Cinder with her scythe before she could react and reversed back into the falling rose petals.

"What a clever use of the semblance, creating a shroud to cloak yourself while performing hit and run attacks!" Oobleck yelled.

Ruby zipped in and out of Cinder's vicinity slashing her. "Ruby has her overwhelmed!" Weiss said from the stands. Cinder got increasingly angry and shouted loudly, burning all the falling rose petals to dust. Cinder cartwheeled around Ruby and made glass swords, she started to slash upward, Ruby backflipped behind Cinder and kicked her in the back. Cinder low sweeped Ruby making her fall to the ground, Cinder stepped on Ruby's stomach. "Ow! S-stop, you're hurting me!!" Ruby screamed as Cinder continued to crush her stomach. Cinder lifted her foot and repeatedly stomped on Ruby's stomach.

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