Team preparations

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As Kara and Mon-el were having breakfast, Kara's phone buzzes.

"Oh it's Cisco's email...."
"He said caitlin and Diggle will be here to help us soon..."
Kara said while reading the mail on her phone
"I've gotta check on Alex...."
Kara says before she dialed call  to her sister

"Hey... Where are you...??"
Kara questioned Alex on phone.

"I'm with maggs.. we are at the flower shop..."
Alex replied

"Oh great! Hey listen.. caitlin and Diggle will be coming over... Cisco emailed me...sought of...." Kara grasped

"Okay.. will be there once we receive the order..." Alex replied

"Okay... See you guys soon... Till than we both will arrange the chairs..."
Kara said to Alex before she cut the call.

"Alex is at the flower shop... They will be here soon.."
"Mon-el you get ready fast and meet me on the rooftop..."

"Yeah sure...." Mon-el wipped his hands to the hand towel after eating before he left.
Kara rushed to the kitchen with the breakfast trays and coffee mugs.

"Oh Rao...! So much work to do... How I'm gonna do this...." Kara grasped to herself
Right before door bell rang;
Kara opened the door.

"Hey Caitlin... " Kara took a long breath
"Oh thank God, you are here.. I will nearly having panic attacks here" she added further before exchanging hugs

"Always here for you ..Kara.... " Caitlin replied with a big smile on her face

"Wait.. Diggle was suppose to here wasn't he??" Kara curiosly questioned

"Yeah, he is gone to the guest house.... Someone has to look after that place too..."

"Oh yes... that means we are only 3 of us here.."
"caitlin... We have lots to do... And it's just we 3 has to manage now till Alex and Maggie shows up..." Kara explained Caitlin while they walked inside the house.

"Kara, relax... We can do it..." Caitlin put hand over Kara's shoulder as she spoke
"Let's decide who is going to do what... That way work will be easy..."

"Yeah.. okay.."
"I was thinking, me and Mon-el are gonna handle the heavy work of lifting and setting up of tables and chairs, meanwhile can you look after the decor??"
Kara hopefully questioned

"Oh sure... Not a big deal..." Caitlin happily replied

"Okay, so let's go..."
Kara stood from the chair, taking a step
"But shouldn't we wait for Mon-el...???"
Caitlin confusingly questioned

"Oh he will join us after getting ready.... He is taking shower.... I suppose" Kara told Caitlin before she grabbed caitlin and in no time they were on the rooftop

"Ohhhh..gosh! You are really fast" caitlin commented

"Haha... Super Speed..." Kara smiled

"So, you and Mon-el ha..?? Wedding bells....what a super wedding I suppose..." Caitlin questioned Kara

"Oh... maybe.. I don't know.. I mean Alex and Maggie and first to go... And obviously I and Mon-el can wait a little more longer..." Kara explained

"Hey girls...." Mon-el greeted Kara and caitlin who were talking while they unfolded the paper ball lamps

"Hey Mon-el... It's good to see you once again.." caitlin greeted Mon-el
"It's good to see you too...caitlin" Mon-el greeted back before they exchanged hugs

"'s you alone...?? Where is Diggle...Cisco??" Mon-el questioned

"Oh Diggle..he is gone to check over the guest house... and Cisco.. he waited to handle things on our earth... Well, Someone has to wait and check on main people right?? That they are here on time..." Caitlin gave a big smile

"Oh yes...that's correct!" Mon-el said agreeing.

"Well... Let's get back to work.. clock is ticking really fast.... And Alex and Maggie will be here too with flowers "
Kara explained
"And Mon-el, have you checked on J'onn and Winn?? What's up with the caterers??" She added after a pause.

"Yeah.. J'onn said he is on it... Caterers will be here at 6:00 pm and Winn is looking after the sound systems.." Mon-el replied

"Great... Now let's finish this..." Kara grasped.

"Team Supergirl.. let's do this..." Mon-el loudly exclaimed before he got his hand out and opened;
Over which Kara and Caitlin placed Thier hand palm with a loud noise "yasss...!!"

They started working as they planned.
Soon Alex and Maggie joined them too. Winn joined them too after few hours. The whole team worked full day with full enthusiasm and passion.
Everything was perfect as decided. was finally getting to turn into evening.
And once the work was completed the whole team gathered...

"Guys... We did it!" Kara said in joy, praising the team.

"Yessss....we did.."

"Now the big part is remaining.. I hope everyone know thier roles and hope that whoever is raising toast has prepared thier speeches..." She explained

"Yeah... On behalf of team westallen, I and Cisco will do...and.." Caitlin told Kara and she continued
"...and on behalf of team Arrow, Laurel and Diggle.."
"I and Winn will do the singing..." Kara added.

"Oh wow babe... I'm gonna get to hear your voice..." Mon-el happily shouted and Kara blushed.

"Okay now... Let's get pampered before the party begins... Iris and Felicity are already waiting for us on my earth..." Caitlin shouted
"We have 3 hours till the party..."
She added.

"Yaas... Let's go now..." Kara replied 

"Can i come too??" Mon-el questioned innocently

"Are you a lady??" Alex jokingly asked before everyone busted into laughter

"Ohhhh....boy!" Winn grasped looking at Mon-el
"May be we should join Oliver and Barry.....who......" Winn paused checking his phone and continued
"...are already on our earth and waiting at the guest house...."

"Okay boys..see you all at 7:00pm"
Kara spoke before she clicked a tiny device and a portal opened to enter into the parallel earth.


Arrowerse- The Super Wedding anniversary (Short Story)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt