"Little stolen moments"

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It was now getting dark, and clock was showing the time as 6:45pm
Kara and Alex were back to thier respected earth.

After reaching her loft, Kara took a final look at the preparations and finally stepped into a sleeveless baby pink long silky dress which was hanging on the cloths rack.
She sat on the stool near the medium size oval glass mirror attached to her dressing table and did a final mild make-up, the way Kara always liked it and finally stepped into the silver medium size hills shoes; which were near the study desk.

"Mon-el.... We gotta go baby.... Get ready fast..." she shouted after hearing the sound of shower coming from the other bathroom.

"Yes... Give me 2 min's babe..." Mon-el shouted from his room.

Kara waited for a little and finally she went to the room where Mon-el was getting ready.
"Gosh Mon-el; you are worse than ladies" Kara said while entering the room; and found Mon-el is done wearing shirt and was now above to put the bowtie like he always wore.

"Well... I'm still getting used to earth cloths you know.... babe" Mon-el said before he turned towards Kara to grab the black velvet bowtie which was lying on the bed.
"Oh Rao... You look gorgeous babe!" He added after giving a quick look at Kara.

"Thanks baby!" Kara blushed after hearing Mon-el

"Baby... Not bowtie today..." Kara narrowed her eyes
"..hmm...why don't you try tie today??" She continued quickly after a pause

"Yeah babe, but I don't know how to put that..." Mon-el pouted

"Well.... I can help you with that...." Kara opened the cupboard and took a box out from it and grabbed a pink tie with fine silver flowers on it, which she had got him earlier but never got a chance to wear it.
"I think this will do..." Kara added before she rushed to Mon-el using her super Speed.
"Let me put this for you.." she further added before she put the tie across Mon-el's neck.

"Wow babe! A matching tie..." Mon-el romantically said as he grabbed her waist.
"Can we stay here for a while... May be... Skip the party... Or...." He added and leaned down to kiss Kara.

"Mon-el... Please stop shaking... you are not letting me put the t....." Kara said right before Mon-el grabbed her lips into his and started kissing her.
Kara got carried away by Mon-el's magic as he kissed her and started kissing him back.

"Baby.. we need to go.... Before my sister comes hunting me" Kara wishpered inbetween the kiss
"A little more longer late won't be so much problem babe" Monel wishpered back and started kissing Kara's neck, and than back her lips, just before the fell on the bed, with Mon-el laying on Kara over him, by not breaking the kiss.

Just before things were really heating up, Alex as suspected approached to the room;
"Oh gosh! You two..."
"UNBELIEVABLE!!" Alex shouted as she saw her sister and Mon-el on bed.
"Do you both realise, that there is an event starting in next 5 min's??"
She added angrily

"Alex..." Kara exclaimed as she stood up
"Yes. Yes, we do realise that there is an event in next 5 min.." Kara said embarrassingly. While Mon-el was still standing up and fixing his shirt and tie.

"We will be back.... Right after you... Alex" Kara said by not smiling, still embarrassed.

"No... Not after me... You are coming with me... I don't trust you both together..." Alex said before she grabbed Kara's wrist and started walking.

"See you on rooftop, Mon-el..." Kara shouted before they left the room.


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