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anyone can be killed

JACK RAN AFTER a surprisingly fast moving Isabelle who was walking down the stairs outside the house

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JACK RAN AFTER a surprisingly fast moving Isabelle who was walking down the stairs outside the house. She wanted out of here before she puts the Winchester curse on all of these people. She doesn't want to see anyone else die, especially not now, not when she doesn't have her usual support system — her brothers — to be there when everything falls apart. Of course, she has Jack, but he doesn't understand. He wasn't there for all the people the Winchester's had lost — and to be quite honest, they have lost a lot of people.

"Please, Izzy!" He whisper-shouted, grabbing her arm, making her turn to face him. "You're hurt, you pulled your stitches, and I was told that's bad." Izzy glared at him, pursing her lips and was about to walk away when he spoke up again. "This can not be a coincidence, okay? This was our second time running into them, maybe it's fate that we end up with them."

Izzy sucked in a breath and looked over at the group who was a good amount away from them, talking about something. She then turned back to Jack, a sad look now in her doe like brown eyes. "Everything a Winchester touch's, dies, okay, Jack? Do you not understand that? I have lost so many people through my years of being a hunter. I can't go through that anymore, no, I just can't." She looked him in the eyes. "There's no such thing as fate."

He frowned, his eyes casting down to the ground. "I understand that you have lost a lot, Izzy. I have lost a lot, too, but it doesn't stop me from meeting new people. Life isn't suppose to be all happy and — and rainbows or whatever Dean would say, I know that now, I do, but you can't push people away, people need people to survive, to live." He placed his hands on her shoulders. "I know your scared, I'm scared, too, I'm always scared now that I don't have my powers, but, we need them, okay, and they need us. We can work together to make this world a little better."

Izzy bit her lip as she looked from Jack to Rick's group who still were talking and haven't noticed them. She closed her eyes and let out an irritated breath. "You spent too much time with Sam," She complained which made them both chuckle. "Okay, alright. We'll stay." Jack instantly lit up, a smile gracing his features, but it slightly diminished when she held up a finger. "But, don't get too attached, okay? One day, they will all die, because that is our curse — the Winchester's curse."

Jack frowned, but nodded. At least he had gotten her to stay. "Okay." He smiled and held out his arms for a hug, but Izzy shook her head and brushed pass him, making her way to the group who quickly saw them walking towards them.

"You're awake already?" Rick questioned, approaching them as the group watched them. "I thought that will all the exhaustion and blood lost, you'd be out for a little while longer. It's only been a few hours.

Izzy shrugged. "I've been through worse, I can handle a little bullet hole in my thigh." She forced a smile, glancing to Jack who was giving her a thumbs up. "So, um..." she clapped her hands together. "What's cookin'?" She cringed at her own wording, but she didn't say anything else. If she was being honest, she could have a few more hours of sleep, but she wasn't going to. She didn't know anyone here other than Jack, which meant she trusted none of them.

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