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we are the hero's of our time.

"AGAIN," IZZY ORDERED Sophia and Beth as they were fighting each other with their fists

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"AGAIN," IZZY ORDERED Sophia and Beth as they were fighting each other with their fists. Sophia grunted as she swung a punch at Beth who dodged it a second too closed. "Again!"

Daryl stood to the side, leaning up against a tree, smirking in amusement as Beth was barely holding herself up against a thirteen year old. Jack was cheering on both girls because he would feel bad if he were to choose one over the other. And, Claire was off hunting.

It's been about two week's since the whole incident with the prison blowing up, and they haven't had any trouble since then, only a few walkers here and there, nothing too big. The only other problem was finding food, but that was a given due to them being in the middle of nowhere.

Izzy smirked in satisfaction as both girls were able to handle themselves a whole lot better now that she is able to train them a lot more often.

So far, the girls, including jack knew how to handle guns — big and small, daggers, and they knew a couple tricks to get the upper hand in a fist fight, but, they were still amateurs.

"Again," Izzy demanded, loudly.

Sophia grunted and let out a frustrated yell before finally hitting Beth in the jaw with her little fist. Beth staggered back for a second before swiping Sophia's legs out from underneath her, sending her to the ground.

"Good job," Izzy complimented Beth before nodding to Sophia to get up, and the thirteen year old obliged. "Sophia. Go practice with Jack. I'll work with Beth." The thirteen year old obliged. The youngest Winchester turned to Beth, getting in a fighting stance. "Once you can take me down, you're done for the day."

"Okay." She nodded determinanly, and got in a defensive mode, holding up her fists.

"Strike one," Izzy said which made Beth frown in confusion. "Don't put your fists up like that until you're going to swing. It gives your opponent a thought on what you're gonna do. And when you're gonna throw a punch, try to sike the other person out, okay?"

She nodded and lowered her fists.

As Izzy nodded and went to take a step back, Beth threw her fist towards her face at a fast pace. Expecting it, Izzy moved her head to the side and gripped the younger blondes fist. She smirked and shoved her backwards harshly, making the young Greene stumble in surprise.

"That was good, but you had your body positioned wrong, and you were way too slow. I saw you making that move a mile away." She tsked, shaking her head in disappointment. "I thought I taught you better than that. Come on!"

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