Chapter 3: Chance Meeting?

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We were almost to the end of the hall when we heard someone running at the other end of the hall. I turned around, curious about who was running. I also had a little spark of hope that maybe one of the guys had come to get me, but it was unlikely.

Although it was unlikely, it was the truth. Mark was at the end of the hall talking to the security guard, who actually handed Mark the slip of paper. He didn't even look at, he just started yelling at the poor guy. I felt really bad for the guard though, he was just doing his job after all. Then Cubbie came around the corner, followed by Pontius, Sean, and Isom.

I grabbed Jake's hand and pulled him back. "What is it?" he asked, he hadn't seen the scene at the end of the hall.

"Look." I pointed down at Mark who was now being held back by Cubbie, who definitely didn't look too happy with the security guard, and Pontius, who was about the same level of anger as Cubbie. I couldn't see Sean and Isom, they were blocked by Cubbie, Mark, and Pontius.

"Uh, Lyam?"

"Yeah, Jake?"

"Look." Jake pointed at the guys.

"Oh crap. We should go down there before they kill the poor guy!"

"Already ahead of you." I called over my shoulder as I sprinted back down the hallway. "MARK!" I yelled as I got closer.

He turned and looked at me, a smile spread across his face. Cubbie and Pontius let go of him as they looked very grateful that I had showed up. "I'm glad you came back." Cubbie smiled at me as I stopped by them.

"I wouldn't miss it for the world." I replied as Mark walked over and handed my slip back to me.

"I won't be needing this anymore, you should have it back." Mark smiled at me.

"Come on, we shouldn't talk out here. Let's go backstage, it's more private there." Pontius said as he grabbed my hand and pulled me along with him.

I looked back at my brothers and beckoned them to come with us. They looked at each other, smiled, and followed.

"I'm really sorry, miss. I didn't know." The security guard apologized to me as we walked past him.

"It's okay!" I smiled, "If I were you, I wouldn't let anyone through either. You're just doing your job!"

"Thank you for understanding."

"No problem! Have a nice night!" I called and waved as Pontius dragged me around the corner.

He dragged me down another long hall, around another corner, and finally ended in a hall that had a bunch of doors leading off of it. "Well. This is were our dressing room was. It wasn't very big, we probably all won't fit in it, come to think of it..." Pontius trailed off.

"We could always try and see if the stage is open." Sean suggested.

"That's actually a pretty good idea, Sean. Good job thinking of it!" Mark patted his head like he was a five-year-old.

I couldn't help but laugh a little. I was so nervous about this. I don't even know why. All of this was just seriously nerve-wracking, I was talking to Foster the People! They've literally saved my life and sanity on many occasions.

I've almost got myself into several fights in school, and they would've been really nasty if they had actually happened. I probably would've been seriously injured or beaten so bad that I had a really high chance of dying. But every time I saw those guys coming, I ran for my life. Thankfully, I was pretty quick on my feet, and they were huge lumbering football bench warmers. They made the team because Coach Mikeals is afraid of them, my friend Will tells me about them, like what kind of mood they're in so I can avoid them. But when I could see that they were coming for me, I would run to Sash's hiding place. It was her's before it was our's. I would go up there and listen to Foster the People. It just made me feel better, like everything was going to be okay. That they weren't going to kill me today.

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