Chapter 12: A Happy Party

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Later that day when I woke up, we all had cake that my brothers had baked. It was really good, it was just what I needed. We stayed up talking and joking around with each other most of the night. I went to bed at around two in the morning while the rest of the guys stayed up. I think they started drinking after I went up because their yelling got a lot louder and more erratic.

I woke up the next morning and went downstairs. I was greeted by a room full of guys who were passed out. My assumptions were true about the drinking, there was empty beer cans all over the place. Wow guys, way to leave me alone. I had just turned around to go into the kitchen when I heard someone move, I looked over my shoulder and saw Cubbie sit up, his hair sticking out in random places. I had to hold back my laughter.

"Ugh, what happened last night?" He groaned as he looked around at everyone else, his gaze finally landing on me and the beer cans I had picked up. "Oh, hey! Why are you holding beer cans...?"

"Really, Cubbie, really? Use that brain I know you have."

He slapped himself in the forehead. "Right, we had a party...Right." He pulled himself up and shuffled around, helping me pick up the empty cans. We threw them away and moved around the kitchen, getting breakfast ready.

After we finished doing that, we had the task of waking everyone else up. "So, how are we going to do this?"

"Watch and learn." He smirked and went over to Pontius. "It's time to wake up, Drummer Boy." He pinched his nose closed. Within seconds, Pontius's eyes flew open and he shot straight up. Wow, that's really effective.

"Wow, great strategy." I laughed and went over to Lyam, awe he looked so peaceful! I pinched his nose closed, he had the same reaction as Pontius. The four of us woke up everyone else and sat down to have breakfast. They were having the after effects of a drinking party, it was hilarious. Their hangovers were so bad, as I expected, they had drank a lot of beer.

We were just finishing and I was doing the dishes, while the guys disappeared to somewhere, when Jakob and Jess came walking in, rubbing their eyes. "Hey, sleepy heads! Want some bacon and eggs?"

"Yes, please!" They exclaimed at the same time, nearly running over each other as they scrambled to get over to the table to eat. I laughed and pulled out their plates and served them some eggs, bacon, biscuit, and some jelly.

"Here you go!" I put their plates down in front of them.

They dug in, obviously hungry. After they ate, I collected their dishes and washed them. "Calliegh?" Jess asked.

"Yes?" I turned around and sat down at the table with them.

"Who are the guys that have been staying here?"

"Did Lyam, Jake, and Connor not tell you?" They both shook their heads in response. Why hadn't they told them? Were they leaving that to me? "Well, they're...uh...They're My favorite band." I didn't want to lie, I need to be as truthful as I can.

"They're in a band? Are they famous?" They asked.

I smiled and laughed, "yes, they are famous. Very famous." I kind of exaggerated, because these were little kids that I was talking with. I mean the only reason most people have heard their music is Pumped Up Kicks, which isn't the best song on Torches, if you ask me.

"Whoa! That's so awesome! How'd you meet?" Jakob yelled.

What's with all these questions?! "Umm, I went to their concert about two weeks ago."

"Why'd you go?" Jakob asked.

"Who went with you?" Jess added.

Jeez guys, stop with the questions! "Jake and Lyam took me because I was sad."

Sometimes I Wanna Disappear (A Foster The People FanFiction) [REWRITTEN]Where stories live. Discover now