Chapter 13: A Sad Goodbye

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We drove into Houston, blasting music, having a competition of who could sing worst. I won, obviously. We had so much fun on the way to the airport, I was so sad that all of this was about to end. I found a place to park in the crowded parking garage and we got out, their suitcases and stuff were here with the rest of the crew.

I followed them as they made their way around the airport to find the others, after searching for ten minutes, they gave up and we went to one of the deserted seating areas. We had a deep conversation.

"Flight 415 to LAX leaves in an hour." The intercom blasted as we took our seats.

"I don't want y'all to go." I whimpered.

"I don't want to either!" Isom cried as he threw his arms around me and squeezed. I hugged back, possibly tighter than he was hugging me. I heard one of the guys take a picture. I looked around and saw Mark with Isom's phone.

"He'll want to remember this." Mark shrugged. I handed my phone to him and told him to take pictures.

"Okay, you two. Break it up." Sean said as he split us apart.


"It's my turn." He smiled as he held his hands out. It was awkward, they were both taller than me.

"Hold on," I pulled away and stood on top of a chair. "Okay. I'm good." He hugged me, it was nice. I've never really had a hug from someone outside my family. I consider Sash and Will family, so yeah. Pretty much no other hugs for me.

Ponsi pulled me away after a few minutes and pulled me into a tight, and I mean tight, bear hug. Dang, these drummers are strong. After a little while he pulled away and took out his phone. "Take some pictures." He said as he handed it to Mark. He pulled me into the classic side hug pose and took a picture, then he did the most amazing thing. He kissed me. Yes, he kissed me. Mark Pontius had just leaned over and kissed me on the cheek. Mark took a quick picture on both phones, handing them back to Ponsi.

Mark came over and hugged me next. I was down on the ground again, but I didn't care I had my face buried in his chest. Listening to his heart beat, trying to remember everything. The rhythm of his breathing and heart beat, trying to remember his cologne. I needed to remember this moment forever. Mark did the same thing as Ponsi and kissed my cheek. I'm pretty sure I died a little on the inside.

Cubbie came over and scooped me up, just like he had done when they stormed the warehouse to save me a week ago. I threw my arms around his neck and buried my face in the crook of his neck. I started to cry, I could feel the tear roll down my cheek and onto his neck. His reaction was to hold me closer. "I'm going to miss you." I held back a sob.

"I'm going to miss getting you out of trouble." I could tell he was almost on the verge of tears. That was a strange thing for me to comprehend...Jacob Fink almost on the verge of tears. That's not something you hear everyday.

"Don't cry, Tough Guy."

"Well, you should know I'm not that tough."

"You're only as tough as you let yourself believe." I said I was wriggled free of him from holding me and stood on the chairs again, still hugging him.

"Okay, I'm tough. I'll be tough for you."

I let a sob escape at that. He reminded me so much of my dad. They could be twins, well their personalities could've. He pulled away and put his hands around my face, wiping away my tears with his thumbs. "Hey, don't cry. Your makeup will run."

"I don't care about makeup."

I heard one of the guys whistle. "That's the first time I've heard that out of a girl's mouth." Isom muttered.

Sometimes I Wanna Disappear (A Foster The People FanFiction) [REWRITTEN]Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora