| Part 3 | A proposal

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Charles...that name sounded nice, thought Claudia as she took her seat beside Maddy at the dining table. The four sat and shared a well-seasoned meal together, Sharon's cooking skills definitely have improved immensely, fresh lasagna and some fries on the side.

Maddy couldn't help but take another look-over at Charles, she felt threatened in a way just by being in his presence, before laying her browns orbs onto her black-haired angel. She didn't say anything when she caught her taking a peek at the man. It was just a simple glance, she reminded herself, nothing else is going on.


Claudia felt stuffed after dinner, very much so that she couldn't find the energy to say 'yes' to dessert. Maddy's mother had prepared a whole tray of baked goods, from the multi-colored macarons to the fresh chocolate-chip cookies, it was like she had just won the food lottery...except her stomach didn't have room for one more bite.

Madeline was too busy having a mini-argument with her mother about whatever was on air on the Tv, Claudia twiddled her thumbs and day-dreamed, not aware of the heated side-glanced she was getting from Charles. He cleared his throat, startling her out of her day-dream, she then turns her head to him. "I didn't mean to startle you" he chuckled at the face she was making. A small flash of heat rose to her face, no doubt making her look bashful though that wasn't the case, embarrassed, she was. "I heard you were looking for a part-time job?" he asked.

"Hmm..? oh, uh-yeah" she stumbled on her words as she grew anxious, "Urm-how did you find out?" Charles took a swig of his sprite, Claudia's eyes watched his adam-apple bob up and down in one smooth motion, after gulping down his drink he then spoke gently "Your friend's mother told me, which reminded me of something-" he placed his drink on the coffee table and returned his almond hues upon her. "-I have a proposition for you, it involves a good pay and no job experiences needed. You just have to stand still and pose for the camera, that's all you need to do, simple enough."

Claudia mentally made a tired face, darn it, it wasn't surprising to her that Sharon would, at random times, sprout out words... especially when she was nervous.

"Posing? uh-to be honest I don't really know how to model-"

"-No worries, you can practice and learn on the way, I could help you out since you're a beginner," he said, "I just need photographs of people according to my clients' orders, either for modeling or for other reasons, you don't need to pose or do anything you're uncomfortable with al'right...?"

Claudia nods, a small strand of ink slipped out from behind her ear in an attempt to escape, she then asks with curiosity "Um-you mentioned a good pay?" she looked at the man with her hopeful greys.

With the slightest trace of deviltry in the man's gleaming almonds, he dipped his head in agreement, the hardy noticeable curly ends of his dark hair hung over his brows in a wave following his movement.

"I don't think minimum wage is good enough to encourage my models, so a good 40 dollars were what I was going with, final offer, give or take...now for the million dollar question-little Miss, will you accept my generous offer?"

Charles acted normal, despite the growing smirk inside of him in seeing the girl's transparent reactions. She was like an open book, almost anyone could tell her mood by just looking at her face. Claudia didn't even seem to hesitate as she boldly placed her small hand in the man's enormous hand, the two shook hands with determination.

She locked eyes with him, his were fierce in color almost giving off a cat-like glow, she had never met anyone with this sort of eye color before. It was interesting.

And little did the girl know that she had sealed the deal along with her fate, for good. But as long as she gets the money in the end... it would be worth it...right?

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