Why He Can't Leave

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I walked down the hallways. I encountered the toys, but I hid from them before they saw me. I did notice something as I walked. I felt a creepy vibe. Not like someone is near you or watching you, but that they are just staring right at your back. It was....creepy. I made it to the prize corner. I saw the music box. I walked behind the counter and towards the music box. 

   ' Let's get this done. '

I was about to grab the handle, but something stopped me. It was a black-gloved hand. It held my hand that was about to touch the handle. Another hand grabbed my other arm.

   " Don't.  I'd rather you not wind up my music box doll. "

I looked in the corner of my eye and saw white strips on the man's sleeve and I knew who it was. 

   " Puppet."

   " Right doll. "

   " Let me go. "

   " Sorry. Can't do that. Can you guess why? "

   " Will you let me go if I guess right? "

   " Sure. It'll make things more interesting. What about if you get it wrong? "

   " You can......you can ask me any question and I'll answer them truthfully. "

   " What about something a little more fun~ "
   " Is it a deal or not? "

   " Deal. So why don't I want the music box wound up? "

   ' Gotta think. Gotta think. '

Then it hit me like a brick. I've only seen him here in the prize corner. Never around the pizzeria. Only here. Every time the music box is winded up. What if it wasn't? "

   " You don't want it wound up because when the music stops you'll be able to walk around the pizzeria freely. When the music box is playing you are limited. You can only stay here in the prize corner, but when the music stops you can walk around freely. "

    " Hmmm~ Right again! You are a smart one doll. "

   " Now let me go. "

   " I don't know if I want to. "

   " It was the deal. "

   " Yeah, but I break deals. "

He held my hand tighter along with my arms. I struggled, but I started pulling my hand free. He let go of my hand and grabbed my elbows. He tried to pull me away from the music box, but I was closer. I grabbed the box and started winding it up. It was halfway finished when I heard my name being called.

   " Y/n! "

I looked and saw Freddy standing there. 

   " Freddy help me! I have to wind the music box. "

   " Throw it here. "

   " Do it and you'll regret it doll. "

I kicked his knee and he let go of me for a second. it took that second and I threw it to Freddy. He started winding it up and I escaped Puppets grasp. I ran towards Freddy and he wound it up. 

   " He can't leave the prize corner when the music is playing. He can walk around freely when the music stops. "

   " I see. "

   " Should we take it too the office? "

   " No. The toys will be able to hear the music, and three against two isn't fair. "

   " Alright leave it here then. " 

Freddy left it in front of the counter and the puppet watched us as we walked away. I could still feel the stare on my back. We ran to the office and Mike sighed in relief. We stayed in the office for the rest of the night. I stayed beside Chica and we talked.

   " So, Chica. Would Toy Chica be your sister? "

   " Sadly yes ( That's what I saw when people say my brother and I look alike. We have similar features almost. I'm female he's male we look a little alike. We are that kind of twins. Kind of like Dipper and Mabel. ). She would be considered my sister. "

   " Is she better than the others or what? "

   " I want to say she's worse. She's kind of....how do I put this? Snappy. She does not like being wrong. "

   " But she's not as bad as the other toys. "

   " No. She's kind of like a tsundere almost. She's not as bad. Yet, the other toys don't like her, but they won't dare go against her. "

   " I see. The others are perverts I'm guessing? "

   " Yeah. A little bit. "

   " I see. "

  " Yeah, but the puppet isn't very nice as you saw and Mangle...we don't know. She's never been fixed after work hours to see. "

   " I can understand. I promised to fix them, so I'm going to. "

   " Okay. " 

   " So Chica. How are you feeling? I know you haven't' transformed into a human for a while. "

   " It feels great. I like my human body more than my animatronic body. I can also help the waiters in the morning. "

   " You can do that? "

   " Yeah. We can. It'll be nice to see the kids smiles again. "

   " You love children, don't you? "

   " Yeah. I love them. One day....."

She glanced at my hands and held one of them with hers.

   " ....I hope to have my own children. "

I felt the blush creep onto my face.

   " C-Can you h-have kids? You know...since you're a-an animatronic? "

   " Y-Yeah. I can. I just need to break away from the pizzeria. Then when I leave I have to be in my human form. Once I leave in the form I'm in I stay like that. So if I leave like a human I am then human. "

   " Oh. How do you break away from the pizzeria? "

   " We have to leave during the day. All of us. Together. We have to feel love and we can all leave. But it has to be all of us. "

   " I see. "

The bell started ringing. Chica let go of my hand and Mike stood up. We said goodbye to everyone and we started walking out. The warmth of Chica's hand was still left on my hand.

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