[1] Chess • Analogical

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Warning: Uh none I think

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Virgil lay on his bed with his headphones on, listening to MCR. It had been a long day. Thomas hadn't uploaded a video in a month, and he had to start making him stressed out about it. His viewers were probably wondering what's going on with him at the moment. So after an exhausting morning and afternoon of trying to convince him to start working on it, Virgil had come back to his room to relax.

He said, 'Son, when you grow up..'

There was a sudden knocking sound on Virgil's door. He paused the music on his phone and took off his headphones. "What?" he called, wondering who was bothering him after he was already tired.

"Virgil, come downstairs. I need to talk to you." He frowned. Was that Logan's voice? What would he want to talk to him about? The emo sighed and turned off his phone before pulling on his hoodie and opening the door.

He walked downstairs to find Logan sitting at the table with a chess board in front of him. "What do you want?" Virgil asked with a groan. He honestly just wanted to go to bed at this point in the evening.

"Do you know how to play chess?" Logan asked. The emo nodded, remembering when he had watched Joan teach Thomas how to play. Logan and Virgil had always worked together when they played chess. Logan would help Thomas make good decisions, while his anxious side kept an eye out for any point where Joan was about to take one of Thomas's pieces.

"Well, I am becoming increasingly bored today, and there's no way I'm playing with Patton or Roman. It would just be frustrating; winning would be too easy with them. You, meanwhile, are vigilant and would be better at stopping my strategies." Logan cracked his knuckles. "So let's play."

Virgil tried to keep from rolling his eyes as he sat down. Was it just him, or was Logan taking a game of chess a bit too seriously? "I'm probably not going to try very hard," Virgil told him. Logic sighed slightly in dismay, but moved a pawn forward two spaces.

The emo did the same with a pawn to the left of the one he just moved, and Logan quickly took it. "Why did you do that? It was inevitable that I would take that pawn."

Virgil shrugged. "I don't really care."

The game continued. Logic got more and more frustrated with every move Thomas' anxiety made. "Did- did you just try to take my queen with nothing but a knight? How in the world did you think that would work?"

"Oh, is that what it looked like I was doing? I'm not even paying attention."

"Take that move back, Virgil. You're making this too easy."

"What do you mean?"

"You- you just moved your queen right in front of my king."

"Yeah, I know. Isn't that check?"

"Well, yes, but I can easily take the queen by simply moving my king one space. That's such a vulnerable place for your queen to be in."

"Oh, okay. Then take the queen."

"But that's- but then it's not-"

Logic let out a noise of frustration. Virgil smirked. "Don't you want to win?" The dark counterpart asked him.

Logan rubbed his forehead in annoyance. "Well, yes, but you're making it too easy," he replied with a sigh. Virgil shrugged as he waited for Thomas' logical side to make his next move.

Logic moved his king and took Anxiety's queen. Virgil smiled as he shook his head. "Can't do that. That puts your king in the direct line of my rook." he said triumphantly. Logan glanced at the board with a frown, and took Virgil's queen with his queen instead. Virgil moved his rook to take Logan's queen.


"What? But I can take your rook with my king." he argued. Virgil grinned.

"Actually, the only move you can make is taking the rook, and that would put you in the line of my bishop." the  epitome of angst replied.

Logan swore loudly as he realized Virgil was right, which earned a cry of "Language!" from Patton's bedroom.

"And you thought I was making it too easy," the  emo said with a small smile. Logic studied Anxiety carefully as he leaned back in his chair.

"That checkmate wasn't on purpose, was it? You were making ridiculous moves the entire time without even thinking about a single one of them, and that happened out of coincidence," Logan said. Virgil grinned wider.

"Guilty as charged," he replied. Logic sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose.

"Well, good game, Anxiety," he said, holding out his hand for Virgil to shake. Anxiety looked at his hand.

"Formal as always?" the emo questioned. He frowned slightly.

"I thought that a handshake was a customary way of congratulating an opponent on a victory against you or consoling them after a loss handed to them by you," Logic stated in confusion. Virgil rolled his eyes.

"It is, you dork, but there are other ways of saying that you're proud of someone."

"What are those ways?" he asked. Virgil couldn't help but to raise an eyebrow at the curiosity in his gaze, a smirk tugging at the corner of his mouth.

"How about we play another round, and maybe I'll show you at the end."

Word count: 895

What even is this trash

Prompt from BBCanimefangirl

This is the first one shot I've ever written so go easy on me

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