[24] Birthday • Analogical

980 23 13

Warnings: kind of unsympathetic Deceit, stress, sadness, swearing

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Virgil woke up excited. It had been three years since he had first arrived on Thomas's YouTube channel, so the other sides basically celebrated it as his birthday. It was nice of them, honestly. Roman had a Disney-themed party thrown for him back in June, which was probably Patton's repaying of when Roman got him a bunch of puppies in January.

Logan's celebration had been simpler because he wasn't a very extravagant side, but it had still been fun. Virgil was extremely enthusiastic to see what they would do for him today. 

He had actually managed to get up earlier than normal. It was only 10 am. Virgil got out of bed and pulled on his normal hoodie, shirt, and black jeans before heading downstairs.

Patton was sitting in the kitchen, eating waffles for breakfast. He offered Virgil a warm smile but said nothing as he ate, which the emo found a bit odd. He sat down next to the cheerful side, however, and got a bowl of cereal for himself.

Virgil finished rather quickly and glanced at Patton, who was washing off his own dishes. Morality didn't notice, still facing towards the sink as he rinsed a plate off. Virgil decided to push the entire interaction (or lack thereof) to the back of his mind and headed back upstairs.

There was no way Patton could have forgotten about Virgil's birthday, so maybe they were planning some sort of surprise. The anxious side was finding it a little hard to convince himself of that as he flopped down onto his bed, his enthusiasm a bit diminished.

Virgil didn't come out of his room for the rest of the day, not even to eat lunch. He stayed on his bed, back resting against the wall, staring at his phone for hours. The only interaction he had was with Logan, who stopped by to advise him to eat something around one in the afternoon but didn't come back when Virgil never went downstairs.

Maybe they really did forget.

No, it couldn't be. Surely the three light sides cared about him more than that. They must have remembered his birthday. They were throwing him a surprise party. That was it. They were all just pretending that they had forgotten for it to be more shocking. That sounded like the sort of dramatic effect Roman would come up with.

"Now, Virgil, don't lie to yourself."

The anxious side stiffened, his eyes moving up from where they had been glued to his phone screen. Deceit stood in the corner of his room, a smirk spread across his face as he stared at the emo, his arms crossed over his chest. He leaned against the wall in a relaxed position.

"Get out," Virgil hissed, venom dripping from his voice as he stared at the side he loathed so very, very much. Janus let out a low chuckle, tilting his head to the side slightly.

"What's the matter, Virge?" He hummed, his smirk widening as he used the nickname Virgil had told his friends to call him. "Don't you want to hear what I have to say?"

Virgil glared at him in hatred but was silent, allowing him to continue.

"Well, I figured that I should wish you a happy birthday from the dark sides. See, we didn't forget. Unlike your so-called friends," Janus sneered, gesturing with his head to the doorway, which led to the hall with the light sides' rooms. His snake eye glinted with something malicious.

Virgil blinked in surprise. Deceit had remembered, at least, and none of the light sides had said anything about it. The other trait's eyes narrowed as he noticed the change in expression, the coy smirk returning to his features as he realized that his words had gotten to Virgil.

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