[10] Cold • Moxiety

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Warning: Maybe a little stress?

Au where the more pain you've experienced the colder your skin feels to others(the average person has lukewarm skin)

Your skin can also get warmer if you start experiencing happier things in life that take away from the pain

It's also a human highschool au

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"Stop eating that candy, it's not good for you."

"But Logan.."

"Nope. I am not arguing with you over this today. We have an exam tomorrow and you need to study, Patton. Get out your laptop and we can start."

Patton groaned, mumbling something to himself indignantly, but he opened his computer and pulled up his science notes. Logan did the same, and started to quiz Patton with questions that were likely to be on the exam.

For the first twenty minutes or so, Patton was paying attention, but he wound up getting distracted when someone walked into the library.

Logan waved a hand in front of his friend's face. "Hello? Earth to Patton." The bubbly teenager was staring across the studying area at another boy sitting at a table by himself.

The more logical one still hadn't caught on as to what his friend was staring at, so Patton put into effect the technique that the two of them had started using to tell each other where something was in a discreet way.

"Logan, 8 o'clock," Patton muttered. Logan turned to look behind him to the left and spotted a rather emo-looking teenager reading a book. He had dark purple hair, and was wearing an unzipped black jacket with a mauve shirt underneath. His bangs nearly covered his eyes, and he had a small smile on his face as he read. He was too far away for Patton or Logan to tell what color his eyes were.

"Okay, what about him?" Logan asked, turning back to Patton. He cursed silently at the realization that his friend had a love struck expression on his face. "Oh no. Patton, we still have studying to do. Midterm exams can affect your grade for the rest of the school year."

Patton nodded vaguely, not appearing to hear a word his friend was saying as he rested his chin on his hands, a dreamy look in his eyes."Mhm," was the only response he gave Logan, who sighed and reached over to try and pull Patton back into reality.

The boy stood up at that moment and moved to a comfy chair in the corner, out of Patton's sight. Patton attempted to rise from his seat, but Logan quickly grabbed his arm and pulled him back down.

"No, Patton. Do you want a good grade on this exam or not? You can talk to him later."

"But what if I never see him again?" Patton questioned, turning back to his friend with a desperate look in his sky-blue eyes. Logan sighed, coming to the conclusion that he wasn't going to get through to him.

"Fine. Go talk to him, and we can study at my house later." Patton nodded and nearly ran over to the chair that the boy was sitting in. 

At the sound of footsteps, the angsty teenager looked up from the book he was reading, which happened to be a horror story. Patton came to a halt in front of his chair and smiled brightly. Now that he was closer, however, he noticed the smaller details of the boy's features. He had coffee colored eyes and a touch of eye shadow underneath them.

Upon seeing how cute he really was up close, Patton forgot how to speak English.

"Um..hi?" the boy said, raising an eyebrow. The other teen waved awkwardly, trying and failing to think of something to say. His tongue finally untied and he started rambling.

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