Flesh and Blood (Chapter Six)

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Cora was completely frozen in place. She tried to scream but for some reason she couldn't.

The dark figure stood facing the back wall muttering something she couldn't make out. He slowly turned to face her.

Blood was pouring out from a cut on his face. When he saw her his eyes lit up for a brief moment.

He slowly walked towards her his metal leg clanking with every step. He was a considerable amount taller than her which made him that much more intimidating.

He squeezed her hands and pulled her closer.

"Why didn't you tell me?" he asked.

Cora had no idea how to respond. "Tell you what?"

"I would have listened!" he yelled.

Cora started to wonder if this was all a strange dream and when she woke up everything would be back to normal.

"I've always treated you well, Lily," he said refusing to make eye contact. Cora had no idea who Lily was. This guy was clearly delusional. He could hardly keep his eyes open there were several times he nearly fainted. He was delirious, a side effect of being trapped in the crystal for so long.

Cora had no idea what to do with him. Most places would be closed at this hour. She was going to play along until morning then she'd figure something out.
She tried to sneak him up to her room quietly, but his metal leg clanked loudly with with every step.
Luckily they didn't wake anyone.

Once they reached the room the boy collapsed on her bed.

"Good night Lily," he whispered.

"Good night," Cora responded sitting down on the edge of her bed. Today had officially become the weirdest day of her life.

Where was she going to sleep? Cora's mother would kill her if she found out she brought a strange boy in her room. Not even Dimitri was allowed in her room.

Tomorrow was her first day of warrior training and she hadn't slept at all the night before. She laid down on the opposite side of the bed. The bed was barley big enough to fit both of them.

She woke up the next morning the sun was shining so bright it lit up her entire room.

"It was all a bad dream," she told herself. She rolled over on to her back to see a sword pointed directly at her face.

"You think you can fool me!" he yelled. "Where's Lily?"

"I don't know," Cora replied.

"You're with Rivero just like everyone else aren't you!"

"I don't know who that is," Cora said. "I don't know anything about Lily or Rivero or anything you've said."

He scoffed. "Where are you from Rome, Greece?"

"I'm from Thessonia," she said quietly.

He placed his sword at his side and began to pace across the room.

"Where are we now?" he asked, still pacing.

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