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General Magmar's pov

Being with Clay has been the greatest thing in my life, he really is the greatest and kindest knight I have ever met. One night I even told him about me and Beast Master's parents, how they disappeared and how they gave us to Monstrox cause they believed we'd be safe.

I sat on my bed drifting in and out of space, I keep thinking about Clay and how again I had to fight him. Soon I we won't have to worry about that anymore.

"Are you sure about that?"

I nearly jumped off my bed when I heard the voice. I started to look around my room, there was no one.

"Do you really think that the knight actually loves you? What if he's just using you? Do you really think he would ever love a monster like you?"

I covered my ears with my hands, shutting my eyes. "Shut up!! He loves me, he showed me. Stop saying such things!" What this voice was doing, it's wrong Clay loves me.

"Be real with yourself, he's the good guy and your the bad guy. He's a knight and you're a monster. You're two worlds are not supposed to be together, why do you even try? Just give up. He would never love something as weak and pathetic as a monster like you, you are not made for each other. He doesn't care if you die, he would never care about a MONSTER like you."

That was it.

I felt it, my heart broke.

I fell to the ground falling on my knees, I placed my hands on my face as tears started to pour out of my eyes.

The voice is right!!

Why would he ever love someone like me?!


Beast Master's pov

"Something's not right." I said out loud, everyone looked at me when I pulled my hood down. "What are you talking about Beasty?" Jester asked walking over to me, I stayed quite for a second.

The feeling came back.

I ran from the others and ran up the stairs everyone following me. I ran over to Magmar's door and banged on it rapidly, "BRO, IT'S ME! OPEN UP PLEASE LET ME IN!!" "Beast Master what's going on?!" Monstrox yelled coming over to my side.

"It's Magmar, he's losing control of his powers!!" I explained, I took a few steps back. I ran as fast as I can and banged the door with the side of my body, knocking the door done.

Oh my god.

I took a step back, my hands covering my mouth. I heard everyone else gasping at the sight. There was my big brother, he was floating off the ground, the yellow of his lava spots turn to the darkest purple I have ever seen, a cloud of black dust flying all around him. What happened to him?!

"Bro what happened to you?" I reached a hand towards him, he snapped back and disappeared. I ran over to the window and saw Magmar outside he looked up at him and left.

"Nononononono!!! This is bad, this is really bad!! Magmar lost control of his powers and know he's gonna end up hurting a lot of people or he could end up distorting the entire kingdom!! What are gonna do, what are we gonna do?!"

Jestro came over to me and tried to claim me down, "hey it's okay, we'll find away to help him." I looked down at him and planted a kiss to his head, I turned back to Monstrox he had this look. It's almost like he knew my plane.

"This is gonna sound crazy, but I think we're gonna need the knights help."

Love burning like lava (Clay x General Magmar)Where stories live. Discover now